IBM Endpoint Manager Inspectors Reference


Win: Windows
Lin: Red Hat and SUSE Linux
Sol: SUN Solaris
HPUX: Hewlett-Packard UNIX version
Mac: Apple Macintosh
Ubu: Ubuntu/Debian
WM: Windows Mobile

The version (e.g. Lin:8.1) corresponds to the version of the IEM product (8.1) in which the inspector was introduced in the client on that platform.
The version number is not shown if it is less than 8.0.



Action Objects
Authorization Objects
Client Objects
Directory Services
Environment Objects
Filesystem Objects
Firewall Objects
Fixlet Objects
Formatting Objects
Installed System Software
License Objects
Microsoft IIS Metabase Objects
Networking Objects
Power Objects
Primitive Objects
Registry Objects
Session Objects
bes action
bes action parameter
bes action result
bes action set
bes action status
bes action with multiplicity
bes activation
bes baseline component
bes baseline component group
bes client setting
bes comment
bes computer
bes computer group
bes computer group set
bes computer group with multiplicity
bes computer set
bes computer with multiplicity
bes deployment option
bes domain
bes domain set
bes domain with multiplicity
bes filter
bes filter set
bes filter with multiplicity
bes fixlet
bes fixlet action
bes fixlet result
bes fixlet set
bes fixlet with multiplicity
bes property
bes property result
bes property set
bes property with multiplicity
bes server
bes site
bes unmanagedasset
bes unmanagedasset field
bes unmanagedasset set
bes unmanagedasset with multiplicity
bes user
bes user set
bes user with multiplicity
bes wakeonlan status
bes wizard
bes wizard set
bes wizard variable
bes wizard with multiplicity
Session Statistics
Site Objects
SMBIOS objects
System Objects
Task Objects
User Objects
Windows Mobile Device Objects
WMI Objects
World Objects

IBM Endpoint Manager wiki

Session Objects

These Inspectors retrieve information about properties of the BES Client computers. They allow you to access information in the BES databases and display it in the Console and the Web Reports program. As well as current statistics, the BES database also maintains historical statistics that can be used to create long-term reports.

bes action

The <bes action> Inspectors are used to access information about the actions which have been issued by the BES Operators. You can iterate over the actions to create lists. Each action may have several properties that can be examined.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bes actionReturns all actions, except those that are normally hidden in the console, such as subscription actions, management rights actions, etcetera.

names of bes actions - Returns a list of all the actions.
hidden bes actionReturns all actions that are normally hidden by the console, such as subscription actions, management rights actions, etcetera.

names of hidden bes actions - Returns a list of all the hidden actions.
top level bes actionReturns all top-level actions. Does not include actions that are normally hidden or sub-actions of a multiple action group.

names of top level bes actions - Returns a list of all the top-level actions.
action of <bes site>Win:8.2
member action of <bes action>Returns the individual member actions for the specified multiple action group parent, <bes action>.Win
middle action of <bes action>For a start action this iterates over the list of <action> objects that make up the group.Win
parent group of <bes action>Returns the parent group action for the specified group action member.Win
element of <bes action set>Returns the unique elements of the specified <bes action set>, removing duplicates and sorting by value.

names of elements of bes action set - Returns the names of all the BES Actions.
action of <bes action result>Returns the action corresponding to the specified action result.Win
taken action of <bes fixlet>This Inspector Iterates over the Actions sourced from the given fixlet.Win:8.0
issued action of <bes user>Returns all actions, including hidden actions, issued by the specified user.Win
action of <bes site>Win:8.2
action of <bes domain>Returns all the Actions that have been created in the specified BES Domain.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes action> = <bes action><boolean>Compares two BES Actions and returns TRUE if they are equal.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes action> as xml<utf8 string>Converts the specified BES Action to XML format, for submission to the EvaluateRelevance API used by the BES Console and Web Reports.Win
action script of <bes action><string>

Plural: action scripts
Returns the script behind the specified action as a string.Win
action script type of <bes action><string>

Plural: action script types
Returns the MIME type of the specified action as a string.Win
applicability relevance of <bes action><string>

Plural: applicability relevances
Returns the relevance statement as a string. This string is included in the targeting relevance expression but is maintained separately because it comes from the relevance of the original analysis fixlet.Win
comment of <bes action><bes comment>

Plural: comments
Returns the comments assigned to the specified BES Action.Win
computer group flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: computer group flags
Returns TRUE if the specified action is a computer group action.Win
constrain by property name of <bes action><string>

Plural: constrain by property names
Returns the 'constrain by property name' setting, one of the property constraints of the action.Win
constrain by property relation of <bes action><string>

Plural: constrain by property relations
Returns the 'constrain by property relation' setting, one of the property constraints of the action.Win
constrain by property value of <bes action><string>

Plural: constrain by property values
Returns the 'constrain by property value' setting, one of the property constraints of the action.Win
continue on errors flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: continue on errors flags
For a multiple action group, there is a checkbox in the Take Action > Execution tab that controls whether the Action group should fail as soon as any member Actions fail, or continue to run the subsequent Actions in the group. This Inspector returns TRUE if the flag is set to continue.Win:8.0
custom success relevance of <bes action><string>

Plural: custom success relevances
Returns the custom relevance expression for this action, if it exists.Win
database id of <bes action><integer>

Plural: database ids
In the Web Reports environment, this Inspector returns the numeric ID of the database in which this BES Action resides.Win
database name of <bes action><string>

Plural: database names
In a Web Reports context, this Inspector returns the name (as a string) of the database containing the specified BES Action.Win
domain of <bes action><bes domain>

Plural: domains
A domain is attached to an Action when it is created. This Inspector returns the domain associated with the specified BES Action.Win:8.0
end date of <bes action><date>

Plural: end dates
Returns the ending <date> for the specified action. Along with the start date, this defines the allowed time range for execution of the action.Win
end flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: end flags
Returns TRUE if the specified action is an end action.Win
end time_of_day of <bes action><time of day>

Plural: end times_of_day
Returns the ending <time of day> for the specified action. Along with the start time of day, this defines the allowed time range for execution of the action.Win
expiration time of <bes action><time>

Plural: expiration times
This Inspector was deprecated after version 5.0 and now only returns FALSE. For a workaround, see the 'end date' and 'end time_of_day' properties.Win
group member flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: group member flags
Returns TRUE if the specified action is a group member action.Win
hidden flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: hidden flags
Returns TRUE if the specified action is a hiding action.Win
id of <bes action><integer>

Plural: ids
Returns the numeric ID number of the specified BES Action.Win
issuer of <bes action><bes user>

Plural: issuers
Returns the BES user object corresponding to the issuer of the specified action.Win
link <html> of <bes action><html>

Plural: links
Returns an HTML string containing an <A> tag including the supplied HTML description that, when clicked, will open the given action's document (in the BES Console) or description page (in Web Reports).Win
link <string> of <bes action><html>

Plural: links
Returns an HTML string containing an <A> tag including the supplied descriptive string that, when clicked, will open the given action's document (in the BES Console) or description page (in Web Reports).Win
link href of <bes action><string>

Plural: link hrefs
Returns a <string> that can be embedded into an <A> tag that, when clicked, will open the given action's document (in the BES Console) or description page (in Web Reports). Note that link href returns a normal string, not an HTML string.Win
link of <bes action><html>

Plural: links
Returns an HTML string containing an <A> tag that, when clicked, will open the given action's document (in the BES Console) or description page (in Web Reports).Win
management rights flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: management rights flags
Returns TRUE if the specified action is a management rights action.Win
member action of <bes action><bes action>

Plural: member actions
Returns the individual member actions for the specified multiple action group parent, <bes action>.Win
member action set of <bes action><bes action set>

Plural: member action sets
Returns the individual member actions for the specified multiple action group parent, <bes action>.Win
message action button flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: message action button flags
Returns the value of the message action button flag, one of the settings that control the pre-action user interface.Win
message allow cancel flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: message allow cancel flags
Returns the value of the message allow cancel flag, one of the settings that control the pre-action user interface.Win
message postpone delay of <bes action><time interval>

Plural: message postpone delays
Returns the value of the message postpone delay flag, one of the settings that control the pre-action user interface.Win
message text of <bes action><string>

Plural: message texts
Returns the value of the message text flag, one of the settings that control the pre-action user interface.Win
message timeout delay of <bes action><time interval>

Plural: message timeout delays
Returns the timeout delay assigned to the action message: 'Automatically close message box and run action after...'. The time can vary from 1 minute to 30 days.Win
message title of <bes action><string>

Plural: message titles
Returns the value of the message title flag, one of the settings that control the pre-action user interface.Win
middle action of <bes action><bes action>

Plural: middle actions
For a start action this iterates over the list of <action> objects that make up the group.Win
multiple flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: multiple flags
Returns TRUE if the specified action is a multiple action (see single flag of <bes action>).Win
name of <bes action><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name of the specified BES Action.Win
offer category of <bes action><string>

Plural: offer categories
Returns the user-defined offer category of the specified bes action.Win
offer description html of <bes action><html>

Plural: offer description htmls
Returns the offer description of the specified bes action as an html string. This description is what appears to the client when the action executes.Win
offer flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: offer flags
Returns the offer flag of the specified bes action as a boolean TRUE/FALSE. TRUE indicates that the action has an attached offer to present to the client.Win
operator site flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: operator site flags
Returns TRUE if the action is propagated from a non-master operator's site.Win
parameter <string> of <bes action><string>

Plural: parameters
Some Fixlets allow the Console Operator to customize the Action. When they are triggered, the BES Console displays a dialog prompting the user for certain Action parameters. For a given Action, this Inspector returns value of the parameter specified by <string>.Win
parameter of <bes action><bes action parameter>

Plural: parameters
Returns the parameter(s) for the specified BES Action. An action parameter has two inspectable properties: a name and a value. Parameters are embedded in Actions to allow the Console user to supply a custom value.Win
parent group of <bes action><bes action>

Plural: parent groups
Returns the parent group action for the specified group action member.Win
postaction allow cancel flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: postaction allow cancel flags
Returns the value of the allow cancel flag, one of the settings that control the post-action user interface.Win
postaction force delay of <bes action><time interval>

Plural: postaction force delays
Returns the value of the force delay flag, one of the settings that control the post-action user interface.Win
postaction message text of <bes action><string>

Plural: postaction message texts
Returns the value of the message text flag, one of the settings that control the post-action user interface.Win
postaction message title of <bes action><string>

Plural: postaction message titles
Returns the value of the message title flag, one of the settings that control the post-action user interface.Win
postaction postpone delay of <bes action><time interval>

Plural: postaction postpone delays
Returns the value of the postpone delay flag, one of the settings that control the post-action user interface.Win
precache flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: precache flags
In the Take Action> Execution tab, there is an option that allows the client to start Action downloads before all the constraints are met. This Inspector returns TRUE if that option is selected.Win:8.0
reapplication interval of <bes action><time interval>

Plural: reapplication intervals
Returns the time period specified between applications of the given BES Action.Win
reapplication limit of <bes action><integer>

Plural: reapplication limits
Returns the maximum number of times the action will be reapplied. If the action is not set to be reapplied, then this will return a "non-existent" error.Win
reapply flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: reapply flags
Returns TRUE if the reapply flag was set for the specified BES Action.Win
reported computer set of <bes action><bes computer set>

Plural: reported computer sets
Returns a list of all the computers that have reported for the specified BES Action. The list is formatted as a mathematical set.Win
require user absence of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: require user absences
Returns TRUE if the action requires that the user be absent to execute the specified action.Win
require user presence of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: require user presences
Returns TRUE if the action requires that the user be present to execute the specified action.Win
restart flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: restart flags
Returns the value of the reset flag, one of the settings that control the post-action user interface.Win
result from <bes computer> of <bes action><bes action result>

Plural: results from
Returns a bes action result object for the given computer and action. This command is a variant of other result Inspectors, such as result <( bes action, bes computer )>.Win
result of <bes action><bes action result>

Plural: results
Returns a bes action result object for each computer which has reported on the specified action.Win
retry delay of <bes action><time interval>

Plural: retry delays
Returns the <time interval> object that represents the amount of time to wait before retrying after a failure. If the action is not set to delay for a time interval before retrying then this will return a "non-existent" error.Win
retry limit of <bes action><integer>

Plural: retry limits
Returns the maximum number of times the action will be retried after failure. If the action is not set to be retried, then this will return a "non-existent" error.Win
retry wait for reboot flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: retry wait for reboot flags
Returns the waiting period after completion of the specified action before the computer will be restarted (from 15 minutes to 30 days).Win
running message text of <bes action><string>

Plural: running message texts
Returns the value of the running message text, one of the user interfaces that is displayed while the action is running.Win
running message title of <bes action><string>

Plural: running message titles
Returns the value of the running message title, one of the user interfaces that is displayed while the action is running.Win
selected groups string of <bes action><string>

Plural: selected groups strings
If the specified action is targeted by property, then this returns a string that contains a tree representation of the items that were selected.Win
set of <bes action><bes action set>

Plural: sets
Converts the specified BES Action list to a set that can be arithmetically manipulated.Win
settings flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: settings flags
Returns TRUE if the specified action is a settings action.Win
show message flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: show message flags
Returns the value of the message flag, one of the settings that control the pre-action user interface.Win
show running message flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: show running message flags
Returns the value of the running message flag, one of the user interfaces that is displayed while the action is running.Win
shutdown flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: shutdown flags
Returns the value of the shutdown flag, one of the settings that control the post-action user interface.Win
single flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: single flags
Returns TRUE if the specified action is a single action (see multiple flag of <bes action>).Win
source fixlet of <bes action><bes fixlet>

Plural: source fixlets
Returns the <bes fixlet> object that was the source of the specified action.Win
source relevance of <bes action><string>

Plural: source relevances
Returns the original relevance expression for this action.Win
start date of <bes action><date>

Plural: start dates
Returns the starting <date> for the specified action. Along with the end date, this defines the allowed time range for execution of the action.Win
start flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: start flags
Returns TRUE if the specified action is a start action.Win
start time_of_day of <bes action><time of day>

Plural: start times_of_day
Returns the starting <time of day> for the specified action. Along with the end time of day, this defines the allowed time range for execution of the action.Win
state of <bes action><string>

Plural: states
Returns the current state of the specified action as a string. It should be one of the following:OpenStoppedExpired.Win
stopper of <bes action><bes user>

Plural: stoppers
If the specified action has been stopped, this Inspector returns the user who stopped it.Win
subscription flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: subscription flags
Returns TRUE if the specified action is a subscription action.Win
success on custom relevance of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: success on custom relevances
Returns TRUE if the success of the action is determined by the custom relevance becoming false (no longer relevant).Win
success on original relevance of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: success on original relevances
Returns TRUE if the success of the action is determined by the original relevance becoming false (no longer relevant).Win
success on run to completion of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: success on run to completions
Returns TRUE if the success of the action is determined by the completion of all lines of the action script.Win
targeted by id flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: targeted by id flags
Returns a boolean TRUE if the specified action is targeted by an ID Flag.Win
targeted by list flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: targeted by list flags
Returns a boolean TRUE if the specified action is targeted by a List Flag.Win
targeted by property flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: targeted by property flags
Returns a boolean TRUE if the specified action is targeted by a Property Flag.Win
targeted computer of <bes action><bes computer>

Plural: targeted computers
If the specified action is targeted by ID, then this Inspector returns an iterated list of the targeted BES computer objects.Win
targeted computer set of <bes action><bes computer set>

Plural: targeted computer sets
Returns the list (formatted as a set) of targeted computers associated with the specified BES Action.Win
targeted list of <bes action><string>

Plural: targeted lists
If the specified action is targeted by list, then this returns the relevant BES computer names, concatenated into a single string.Win
targeted name of <bes action><string>

Plural: targeted names
If the specified action is targeted by list, then this returns the relevant BES computer names as an iterated list with one string for each name.Win
targeting method of <bes action><string>

Plural: targeting methods
Returns one of the strings "By Property", "By Computer ID", "By List", or "Untargeted".Win
targeting relevance of <bes action><string>

Plural: targeting relevances
Returns the relevance string that is being used to target the action.Win
temporal distribution of <bes action><time interval>

Plural: temporal distributions
Returns the <time interval> over which the execution (and file downloads) of this action will be distributed.Win
time issued of <bes action><time>

Plural: times issued
Returns the time when the action was issued.Win
time range end of <bes action><time of day>

Plural: time range ends
Returns the ending <time of day> for the specified action. Along with the starting time of day, this defines the allowed time range for execution of the action.Win
time range start of <bes action><time of day>

Plural: time range starts
Returns the starting <time of day> for the specified action. Along with the ending time of day, this defines the allowed time range for execution of the action.Win
time stopped of <bes action><time>

Plural: times stopped
If the specified action has been stopped, this Inspector returns the time it was stopped.Win
top level flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: top level flags
Returns TRUE if the Action is a single Action or the group Action for a multiple Action group. Member Actions of multiple Action groups are not top level Actions.Win:8.0
unique value of <bes action><bes action with multiplicity>

Plural: unique values
Returns the unique values of a given list of <bes action> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win
untargeted flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: untargeted flags
Returns a boolean TRUE if the specified action is untargeted.Win
urgent flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: urgent flags
Returns TRUE if the specified action is marked urgent, which means that it will be executed by the client before all non-urgent actions.Win
utc time flag of <bes action><boolean>

Plural: utc time flags
The Take Action > Execution tab provides an option to specify the time constraints for the Action as UTC instead of as Client local time. This Inspector returns TRUE if that flag is set for the given Action.Win:8.0

bes action set

The <bes action set> Inspectors return the iterated list of BES Actions, converted into a set to make it easy to do set arithmetic with the list.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bes action setReturns the current list of BES Actions in the form of a set, which can be arithmetically manipulated.

names of elements of (set of bes actions) - Returns a list of names of each of the current BES Actions.
hidden bes action setRetrieves the set (iterated list) of hidden BES Actions.Win
top level bes action setReturns all top level actions as a mathematical set. Does not include actions that are normally hidden, and sub-actions of a multiple action group.Win
action set of <bes site>Win:8.2
member action set of <bes action>Returns the individual member actions for the specified multiple action group parent, <bes action>.Win
set of <bes action>Converts the specified BES Action list to a set that can be arithmetically manipulated.

size of (set of bes actions) - Returns the current number of BES Actions.
intersection of <bes action set>Returns the intersection of multiple BES Action sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win
union of <bes action set>Returns the union of multiple BES User sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win
<bes action set> {op} <bes action set>Operates on two sets of BES Actions, where {op} is one of: -, *, + or 'contains'. Minus subtracts the elements of one set from the other, multiply performs an intersection, plus performs a union and 'contains' find subsets.Win
reported action set of <bes computer>Returns a list of all the reported Actions for the specified computer. These may be Actions that are running, fixed, failed, and others. The list is formatted as a mathematical set.Win
taken action set of <bes fixlet>This Inspector Iterates over the Actions sourced from the given fixlet and returns a set of Actions.Win:8.0
issued action set of <bes user>Returns all actions, including hidden actions, issued by the specified user. This list is formatted as a mathematical set.Win
action set of <bes filter>Returns a filtered set of Actions. Given an Action filter that specifies "Name contains 'Custom Action'", this Inspector returns the set of BES Actions with 'Custom Action' in the name.

size of (action set of bes filters) - Returns the number of BES Filters that were designed for finding Actions.
action set of <bes site>Win:8.2
action set of <bes domain>Returns all the Actions (as a set) that have been created in the specified BES Domain.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes action set> {op} <bes action set><bes action set>Operates on two sets of BES Actions, where {op} is one of: -, *, + or 'contains'. Minus subtracts the elements of one set from the other, multiply performs an intersection, plus performs a union and 'contains' find subsets.Win
<bes action set> = <bes action set><boolean>Returns TRUE if the two bes action sets are equivalent.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes action set> as xml<utf8 string>Casts a BES Action set as an XML document, for submission to to the ImportXML API in the Console. It can only be used in the Console using the EvaluateRelevance API, not the <?relevance ?> interface.Win
element of <bes action set><bes action>

Plural: elements
Returns the unique elements of the specified <bes action set>, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win
intersection of <bes action set><bes action set>

Plural: intersections
Returns the intersection of multiple BES Action sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win
size of <bes action set><integer>

Plural: sizes
Returns the number of unique elements in the specified BES Action set.Win
union of <bes action set><bes action set>

Plural: unions
Returns the union of multiple BES User sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win

bes action with multiplicity

The <bes action with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of BES Actions, allowing you to extract unique actions and count them.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
unique value of <bes action>Returns the unique values of a given list of <bes action> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
multiplicity of <bes action with multiplicity><integer>

Plural: multiplicities
Sorts the list and returns the multiplicity, or count, of each unique element in the specified list of multiple <bes action> types.Win

bes action status

The <bes action status> Inspectors return information about the status of BES Actions, such as whether it is running, evaluating, expired, and more.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bes action status constrainedReturns the BES Action status corresponding to constraints. This result can be cast to a <string> format to give the text as shown in the console.Win
bes action status download failedReturns the BES Action status corresponding to failed downloads. This result can be cast to a <string> format to give the text as shown in the console.Win
bes action status errorReturns the BES Action status corresponding to errors. This result can be cast to a <string> format to give the text as shown in the console.Win
bes action status evaluatingReturns the BES Action status corresponding to evaluation. This result can be cast to a <string> format to give the text as shown in the console.Win
bes action status expiredReturns the BES Action status corresponding to expiration. This result can be cast to a <string> format to give the text as shown in the console.Win
bes action status failedReturns the BES Action status corresponding to failure. This result can be cast to a <string> format to give the text as shown in the console.Win
bes action status fixedReturns the BES Action status corresponding to successful fixes. This result can be cast to a <string> format to give the text as shown in the console.Win
bes action status invalid signatureReturns the BES Action status corresponding to invalid signatures. This result can be cast to a <string> format to give the text as shown in the console.Win
bes action status irrelevantReturns the BES Action status corresponding to irrelevance This result can be cast to a <string> format to give the text as shown in the console.Win
bes action status lockedReturns the BES Action status corresponding to locking. This result can be cast to a <string> format to give the text as shown in the console.Win
bes action status offers disabledReturns the BES Action status corresponding to disabled offers. This result can be cast to a <string> format to give the text as shown in the console.Win
bes action status pending downloadsReturns the BES Action status corresponding to pending downloads. This result can be cast to a <string> format to give the text as shown in the console.Win
bes action status pending loginReturns the BES Action status corresponding to pending logins. This result can be cast to a <string> format to give the text as shown in the console.Win
bes action status pending messageReturns the BES Action status corresponding to pending messages. This result can be cast to a <string> format to give the text as shown in the console.Win
bes action status pending offerReturns the BES Action status corresponding to pending offers. This result can be cast to a <string> format to give the text as shown in the console.Win
bes action status pending restartReturns the BES Action status corresponding to pending restarts. This result can be cast to a <string> format to give the text as shown in the console.Win
bes action status postponedReturns the BES Action status corresponding to postponements. This result can be cast to a <string> format to give the text as shown in the console.Win
bes action status runningReturns the BES Action status corresponding to whether or not it is running. This result can be cast to a <string> format to give the text as shown in the console.Win
bes action status unreportedReturns a constant representing an action status of 'not reported'.Win
bes action status user cancelledReturns the BES Action status corresponding to user cancelation. This result can be cast to a <string> format to give the text as shown in the console.Win
bes action status waitingReturns the BES Action status corresponding to waiting. This result can be cast to a <string> format to give the text as shown in the console.Win
status of <bes action result>Returns the <bes action state> object corresponding to the specified action result on the client computer.Win


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes action status> = <bes action status><boolean>Compares two action status objects, and returns a boolean TRUE or FALSE.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes action status> as string<string>Casts an action status as a string.Win

bes action parameter

A Fixlet can incorporate parameters in its associated Action(s). When the Fixlet becomes relevant to the network, the BES Console will prompt the user for the value of the parameter. For example, a Fixlet Action might need to start a Windows service specified by the Console user. When the the Action is taken, the Console would prompt for the name of the service. That value would then be passed down to the BES Client and substituted into the local Action script upon execution.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
parameter of <bes action>Returns the parameter(s) for the specified BES Action. An action parameter has two inspectable properties: a name and a value. Parameters are embedded in Actions to allow the Console user to supply a custom value.

names of parameters of bes action whose (name of it contains "Download") - Returns the parameter names of bes actions with "Download" in the name.


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
name of <bes action parameter><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name of the specified Action parameter.Win
value of <bes action parameter><string>

Plural: values
Returns the value associated with the specified Action parameter.Win

bes action result

The <bes action result> Inspectors examine the results of BES Actions, which can be used to make reports.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
result <( bes action, bes computer )>Returns a bes action result object for the given computer and action. This command is a variant of other result Inspectors, such as result from <bes action> of <bes computer>.

detailed status of result ( (bes action whose (id of it is 1234)) , (bes computer whose (id of it is 1234567)) ) - Returns the detailed status of the specified action on the given computer.
result <( bes computer, bes action )>Returns a bes action result object for the given computer and action. This command is a variant of other result Inspectors, such as result from <bes action> of <bes computer>.

detailed status of result ( (bes computer whose (id of it is 1234567)) , (bes action whose (id of it is 1234)) ) - Returns the detailed status of the specified action on the given computer.
result from <bes computer> of <bes action>Returns a bes action result object for the given computer and action. This command is a variant of other result Inspectors, such as result <( bes action, bes computer )>.

detailed status of result from (bes computer whose (id of it is 1234567)) of (bes action whose (id of it is 1234)) - Returns the detailed status of the specified action on the given computer.
result of <bes action>Returns a bes action result object for each computer which has reported on the specified action.

detailed statuses of results of (bes action whose (id of it is 1234)) - Returns a detailed status list containing the results of bes actions with the specified id.
action result of <bes computer>Returns the results of BES Actions that have occurred on the specified computer.Win
result from <bes action> of <bes computer>Returns a bes action result object for the given computer and action. This command is a variant of other result Inspectors, such as result <( bes action, bes computer )>.

detailed status of result from (bes action whose (id of it is 1234)) of (bes computer whose (id of it is 1234567)) - Returns the detailed status of the specified action on the given computer.


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
action of <bes action result><bes action>

Plural: actions
Returns the action corresponding to the specified action result.Win
apply count of <bes action result><integer>

Plural: apply counts
Returns the number of times (as an integer) that the specified BES Action result has been initiated on the client.Win
computer of <bes action result><bes computer>

Plural: computers
Returns the computer(s) that the specified action result applies to.Win
detailed status of <bes action result><string>

Plural: detailed statuses
Returns a string describing the detailed status of the specified action result on this computer.Win
line number of <bes action result><integer>

Plural: line numbers
Returns the current line number of the action script that is being executed on the client computer.Win
retry count of <bes action result><integer>

Plural: retry counts
Returns the number of times (as an integer) that the specified BES Action result has been retried on the client.Win
status of <bes action result><bes action status>

Plural: statuses
Returns the <bes action state> object corresponding to the specified action result on the client computer.Win

bes computer

The <bes computer> Inspectors return lists of the computers currently visible through the BES Console.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bes computerReturns a list of all the BES computers visible to the current console user.Win
current computerThis Inspector returns the computer that is currently selected by a right-click in the BES Console. This Inspector is designed to assist you in the creation of extended Context menu applications.Win
subscribed computer of <bes site>Returns the list of computers that are subscribed to the specified BES site.Win
targeted computer of <bes action>If the specified action is targeted by ID, then this Inspector returns an iterated list of the targeted BES computer objects.Win
computer of <bes action result>Returns the computer(s) that the specified action result applies to.Win
element of <bes computer set>Returns the unique elements of the specified <bes computer set>, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win
member of <bes computer group>Returns the set of computers that comprise the specified BES Computer Group.Win
applicable computer of <bes fixlet>Returns a list of all of the <bes computer> objects reporting that the specified Fixlet message is relevant.Win
computer of <bes fixlet result>Returns the BES computer associated with the specified Fixlet result.Win
computer of <bes property result>Returns the computer corresponding to the specified BES property result.Win
administered computer of <bes user>Iterates and returns a list of the computers that are administered by the specified BES user.

names of administered computers of bes user whose (name of it is "Joe") - Returns the list of computers currently administered by the BES User named Joe.
subscribed computer of <bes site>Returns the list of computers that are subscribed to the specified BES site.Win


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes computer> = <bes computer><boolean>Compares two BES Computer types and returns TRUE if they are equal.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
action result of <bes computer><bes action result>

Plural: action results
Returns the results of BES Actions that have occurred on the specified computer.Win
active directory path of <bes computer><distinguished name>

Plural: active directory paths
Returns the result of the 'Active Directory Path' property of the specified computer.Win
administrator <bes user> of <bes computer><boolean>

Plural: administrators
Returns TRUE if the specified user is an administrator of the given computers.Win
administrator of <bes computer><bes user>

Plural: administrators
Iterates over the users who have administrative rights on this computer.Win
administrator set of <bes computer><bes user set>

Plural: administrator sets
Returns the set of users who have administrative rights on this computer.Win
agent type of <bes computer><string>

Plural: agent types
agent version of <bes computer><string>

Plural: agent versions
client setting of <bes computer><bes client setting>

Plural: client settings
Returns the client setting(s) for the specified computer.Win
comment of <bes computer><bes comment>

Plural: comments
Returns the comments assigned to the specified BES Computer.Win
cpu of <bes computer><string>

Plural: cpus
Returns the result of the 'CPU' Property for the specified computer.Win
database id of <bes computer><integer>

Plural: database ids
In the Web Reports environment, this Inspector returns the numeric ID of the database in which this BES computer resides.Win
database name of <bes computer><string>

Plural: database names
In a Web Reports context, this Inspector returns the name (as a string) of the database containing the specified BES computer.Win
device type of <bes computer><string>

Plural: device types
hostname of <bes computer><string>

Plural: hostnames
Returns the result of the 'DNS Name' Property for the specified computer.Win
id of <bes computer><integer>

Plural: ids
Returns the numeric ID unique to the specified BES computer.Win
ip address of <bes computer><ipv4or6 address>

Plural: ip addresses
Returns the result of the 'IP Address' property of the specified computer as an ipv4or6 address type.Win
last report time of <bes computer><time>

Plural: last report times
Returns the time of the last report submitted by the specified BES computer.Win
license type of <bes computer><string>

Plural: license types
Returns the license type of the specified BES Client. This is a result of a reserved property that assigns computers to a license type such as workstation, windows server, or non-windows server.Win:8.0
link <html> of <bes computer><html>

Plural: links
Returns an HTML string containing an <A> tag including the supplied HTML description that, when clicked, will open the given computer's document (in the BES Console) or its description page (in Web Reports).Win
link <string> of <bes computer><html>

Plural: links
Returns an HTML string containing an <A> tag including the supplied descriptive string that, when clicked, will open the given computer's document (in the BES Console) or its description page (in Web Reports).Win
link href of <bes computer><string>

Plural: link hrefs
The link href property does not return an <A> tag but rather returns the value of the href attribute of the <A> tag that would be constructed by the other link inspectors. This allows you to create more flexible linking formats. (See link of <bes computer>). Note that link href returns a string, not an HTML string.Win
link of <bes computer><html>

Plural: links
Returns an HTML string containing an <A> tag that when clicked will open the given computer's document (in the BES Console) or its description page (in Web Reports).Win
locked flag of <bes computer><boolean>

Plural: locked flags
Returns the result of the 'Locked' property of the specified computer.Win
name of <bes computer><string>

Plural: names
Returns the value of the specified 'Computer Name' property for the specified BES computer.Win
operating system of <bes computer><string>

Plural: operating systems
Returns the result of the 'OS' Property for the specified computer.Win
property result of <bes computer><bes property result>

Plural: property results
Returns a list of all of the <bes property result> objects that the specified BES computer has reported.Win
relay distance of <bes computer><integer>

Plural: relay distances
Returns the result of the 'Distance to BES Relay' property for the specified computer.Win
relay hostname of <bes computer><string>

Plural: relay hostnames
Returns the result of the 'Relay Name of Client' property for the specified computer.Win
relay selection method of <bes computer><string>

Plural: relay selection methods
Returns the result of the 'BES Relay Selection Method' property for the specified computer.Win
relay server flag of <bes computer><boolean>

Plural: relay server flags
Returns TRUE iff the result of the 'BES Relay Server Installed' property for the specified computer indicates that the BES Relay is installed.Win
relay server of <bes computer><string>

Plural: relay servers
Returns the result of the 'Relay' property of the specified computer.Win
relevant <bes fixlet> of <bes computer><boolean>

Plural: relevants
Returns TRUE if the given Fixlet message is relevant on the specified computer.Win
relevant fixlet of <bes computer><bes fixlet>

Plural: relevant fixlets
Returns a list of all the <bes fixlet> objects that the specified computer has reported are relevant.Win
relevant fixlet set of <bes computer><bes fixlet set>

Plural: relevant fixlet sets
Returns a list of all the <bes fixlet> objects that the specified computer has reported are relevant. The list is formatted as a mathematical set.Win
reported action set of <bes computer><bes action set>

Plural: reported action sets
Returns a list of all the reported Actions for the specified computer. These may be Actions that are running, fixed, failed, and others. The list is formatted as a mathematical set.Win
reported property set of <bes computer><bes property set>

Plural: reported property sets
Returns a list of all the BES properties that have reported on the specified computer(s). The list is formatted as a mathematical set.Win
result from <bes action> of <bes computer><bes action result>

Plural: results from
Returns a bes action result object for the given computer and action. This command is a variant of other result Inspectors, such as result <( bes action, bes computer )>.Win
result from <bes fixlet> of <bes computer><bes fixlet result>

Plural: results from
Returns a Fixlet result for the given computer and Fixlet.Win
result from <bes property> of <bes computer><bes property result>

Plural: results from
Returns the result of the specified BES property and computer.Win
root server flag of <bes computer><boolean>

Plural: root server flags
Returns TRUE iff the result of the 'BES Relay Server Installed' property for the specified computer indicates that it's a BES root server.Win
root server of <bes computer><string>

Plural: root servers
Returns the result of the 'BES Root Server' property of the specified computer.Win
set of <bes computer><bes computer set>

Plural: sets
Converts the specified BES computer list to a set that can be arithmetically manipulated.Win
subscribed <bes site> of <bes computer><boolean>

Plural: subscribeds
Returns TRUE if the specified computer is currently subscribed to the given BES site.Win:8.0
subscribed site of <bes computer><bes site>

Plural: subscribed sites
Returns a list of the BES sites subscribed to by the specified BES computer.Win:8.0
subscribed site set of <bes computer><bes site set>

Plural: subscribed site sets
Returns a list of the BES sites subscribed to by the specified BES computer, organized as a set.Win:8.0
unique value of <bes computer><bes computer with multiplicity>

Plural: unique values
Returns the unique values of a given list of <bes computer> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win

bes computer set

The <bes computer set> Inspectors convert an iterated list of computers into a set, which allows you to perform intersections, unions and other mathematical operations on them.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bes computer setReturns the current list of BES computers in the form of a set, which can be arithmetically manipulated.Win
subscribed computer set of <bes site>Returns the list of computers that are subscribed to the specified BES site. The list is formatted as a mathematical set for easier manipulation.Win
reported computer set of <bes action>Returns a list of all the computers that have reported for the specified BES Action. The list is formatted as a mathematical set.Win
targeted computer set of <bes action>Returns the list (formatted as a set) of targeted computers associated with the specified BES Action.Win
set of <bes computer>Converts the specified BES computer list to a set that can be arithmetically manipulated.

size of (set of bes computers) - Returns the current number of BES computers.
intersection of <bes computer set>Returns the intersection of multiple BES computer sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win
union of <bes computer set>Returns the union of multiple BES computer sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win
<bes computer set> {op} <bes computer set>Operates on two sets of BES computers, where {op} is one of: -, *, + or 'contains'. Minus subtracts the elements of one set from the other, multiply performs an intersection, plus performs a union and 'contains' find subsets.Win
member set of <bes computer group>Returns the computer set that comprise the specified BES Computer Group.Win
applicable computer set of <bes fixlet>Returns the set of computers where the given Fixlet(s) is applicable, i.e., those computers where the Fixlet is relevant.

size of union of applicable computer sets of bes fixlets whose ((source severity of it is "Critical") and (current date - source release date of it > 7 * day)) as floating point / size of bes computer set as floating point - Computes the ratio of computers which have at least one relevant critical fixlet released more than 1 week ago.
applicable computer set of <bes baseline component>Returns the set of computers where the given baseline component(s) is applicable, i.e., those computers where the baseline component is relevant.Win
unknown computer set of <bes baseline component>Returns the unknown computers associated with the specified baseline component. The list is formatted as a set for mathematical manipulations, included intersections and unions.Win
reported computer set of <bes property>Returns a list of all the computers that have reported for the specified BES property. The list is formatted as a mathematical set.Win
administered computer set of <bes user>Returns the set of computers that are administerable by the specified BES user.Win
computer set of <bes filter>Returns a filtered set of Computers. Given a Computer filter that specifies "OS contains 'Win'", this Inspector returns the set of Windows Computers.Win
subscribed computer set of <bes site>Returns the list of computers that are subscribed to the specified BES site. The list is formatted as a mathematical set for easier manipulation.Win


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes computer set> {op} <bes computer set><bes computer set>Operates on two sets of BES computers, where {op} is one of: -, *, + or 'contains'. Minus subtracts the elements of one set from the other, multiply performs an intersection, plus performs a union and 'contains' find subsets.Win
<bes computer set> = <bes computer set><boolean>Compares two sets of BES computers for equivalence.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
element of <bes computer set><bes computer>

Plural: elements
Returns the unique elements of the specified <bes computer set>, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win
intersection of <bes computer set><bes computer set>

Plural: intersections
Returns the intersection of multiple BES computer sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win
size of <bes computer set><integer>

Plural: sizes
Returns the number of unique BES Computers in the specified set.Win
union of <bes computer set><bes computer set>

Plural: unions
Returns the union of multiple BES computer sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win

bes computer with multiplicity

The <bes computer with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of BES computers, allowing you to extract unique computers and count them.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
unique value of <bes computer>Returns the unique values of a given list of <bes computer> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
multiplicity of <bes computer with multiplicity><integer>

Plural: multiplicities
Sorts the list and returns the multiplicity, or count, of each unique element in the specified list of multiple <bes computer> types.Win

bes computer group

The <bes computer group> Inspectors return an iterated list of computer groups, as defined in the BES Console.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bes computer groupReturns the current list of BES computer groups.

names of bes computer groups - Returns a list of the currently defined computer groups, by name.
element of <bes computer group set>Returns the unique elements of the specified <bes computer group set>, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win
issued computer group of <bes user>Returns all computer groups issued by the specified user.Win:8.0
computer group of <bes domain>Returns the computer groups associated with the specified BES Domain.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes computer group> = <bes computer group><boolean>Compares two BES Computer Group types and returns TRUE if they are equal.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes computer group> as xml<utf8 string>Converts the specified BES computer group to XML format, for submission to the EvaluateRelevance API used by the BES Console and Web Reports.Win
automatic flag of <bes computer group><boolean>

Plural: automatic flags
Returns the value of the 'Automatic' flag corresponding to the specified BES Computer Group. Groups can be manual, automatic or ad-hoc.Win
client evaluated flag of <bes computer group><boolean>

Plural: client evaluated flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES computer group is determined by client acknowledgement.Win
creation time of <bes computer group><time>

Plural: creation times
Returns the time when the specified BES computer group was created.Win:8.0
database id of <bes computer group><integer>

Plural: database ids
In the Web Reports environment, this Inspector returns the numeric ID of the database in which this BES computer group resides.Win
domain of <bes computer group><bes domain>

Plural: domains
A domain is attached to a BES computer group when one is created. This Inspector returns the domain associated with the specified group.Win:8.0
id of <bes computer group><integer>

Plural: ids
Returns the numeric ID corresponding to the specified BES Computer Group.Win
issuer of <bes computer group><bes user>

Plural: issuers
Returns the <bes user> object corresponding to the bes computer group that issued the specified activation.Win:8.0
manual flag of <bes computer group><boolean>

Plural: manual flags
Returns the value of the 'Manual' flag corresponding to the specified BES Computer Group. Groups can be manual, automatic or ad-hoc.Win
member of <bes computer group><bes computer>

Plural: members
Returns the set of computers that comprise the specified BES Computer Group.Win
member set of <bes computer group><bes computer set>

Plural: member sets
Returns the computer set that comprise the specified BES Computer Group.Win
name of <bes computer group><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name corresponding to the specified BES Computer Group.Win
set of <bes computer group><bes computer group set>

Plural: sets
Converts the specified BES computer group list to a set that can be arithmetically manipulated.Win
site of <bes computer group><bes site>

Plural: sites
Returns the site corresponding to the specified BES Computer Group.Win
unique value of <bes computer group><bes computer group with multiplicity>

Plural: unique values
Returns the unique values of a given list of <bes computer group> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win

bes computer group set

The <bes computer group set> Inspectors convert an iterated list of computer groups into a set, which allows you to perform intersections, unions and other mathematical operations on them.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bes computer group setReturns the current list of BES computer groups in the form of a set, which can be arithmetically manipulated.Win
set of <bes computer group>Converts the specified BES computer group list to a set that can be arithmetically manipulated.

size of (set of bes computer groups) - Returns the current number of computer groups.
intersection of <bes computer group set>Returns the intersection of multiple BES computer group sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.

names of elements of intersection of administered computer sets of bes users whose (name of it is "joe" or name of it is "sue") - Returns a list of the names of those computers administered by both Sue and Joe.
union of <bes computer group set>Returns the union of multiple BES computer group sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win
<bes computer group set> {op} <bes computer group set>Operates on two sets of BES computer groups, where {op} is one of: -, *, + or 'contains'. Minus subtracts the elements of one set from the other, multiply performs an intersection, plus performs a union and 'contains' find subsets.Win
issued computer group set of <bes user>Returns all computer group sets issued by the specified user.Win:8.0
computer group set of <bes domain>Returns the computer groups associated with the specified BES Domain as a set.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes computer group set> {op} <bes computer group set><bes computer group set>Operates on two sets of BES computer groups, where {op} is one of: -, *, + or 'contains'. Minus subtracts the elements of one set from the other, multiply performs an intersection, plus performs a union and 'contains' find subsets.Win
<bes computer group set> = <bes computer group set><boolean>Compares two sets of BES computer groups for equivalence.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes computer group set> as xml<utf8 string>Converts the specified set of BES computer groups to XML format, for submission to the EvaluateRelevance API used by the BES Console and Web Reports.Win
element of <bes computer group set><bes computer group>

Plural: elements
Returns the unique elements of the specified <bes computer group set>, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win
intersection of <bes computer group set><bes computer group set>

Plural: intersections
Returns the intersection of multiple BES computer group sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win
size of <bes computer group set><integer>

Plural: sizes
Returns the number of unique BES Computer Groups in the specified set.Win
union of <bes computer group set><bes computer group set>

Plural: unions
Returns the union of multiple BES computer group sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win

bes computer group with multiplicity

The <bes computer group with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of BES computer groups, allowing you to extract unique computer groups and count them.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
unique value of <bes computer group>Returns the unique values of a given list of <bes computer group> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
multiplicity of <bes computer group with multiplicity><integer>

Plural: multiplicities
Sorts the list and returns the multiplicity, or count, of each unique element in the specified list of multiple <bes computer group> types.Win

bes client setting

The <bes client setting> Inspectors return the name, value and scope of BES Client settings. These are named variables that are used to report on and control various client behaviors.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
client setting of <bes computer>Returns the client setting(s) for the specified computer.

(name of it, scope of it, value of it) of client settings of bes computers - Returns a list containing the name, scope and value for each of the BES Client settings for each of the BES computers.


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
name of <bes client setting><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name of the specified BES client setting.Win
scope of <bes client setting><string>

Plural: scopes
Depending on the scope of the specified Client setting, returns 'Local' or a site URL.Win
value of <bes client setting><string>

Plural: values
Returns the value associated with the specified BES Client setting.Win

bes fixlet

The <bes fixlet> Inspectors allow you to iterate over the BES Fixlet messages to create lists of various Fixlet properties such as name, ID, site, and more.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bes analysisThis Inspector iterates over all of the Analysis objects. This is equivalent to "bes fixlets whose ( analysis flag of it )".Win:8.0
bes baselineThis Inspector iterates over all of the Baseline objects. This is equivalent to "bes fixlets whose ( baseline flag of it )".Win:8.0
bes fixletReturns a list of all the BES properties.Win
bes taskThis Inspector returns all of the tasks objects. This is equivalent to "bes fixlets whose ( task flag of it )".Win:8.0
current fixletWhen this Inspector is evaluated in the context of a Fixlet message, it returns the associated Fixlet object.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
current taskWhen this Inspector is evaluated in the context of a Task, it returns the associated Fixlet object.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
custom bes fixletThis Inspector iterates over all of the fixlet objects, only returning fixlets where "custom flag" is TRUE.Win:8.0
plain bes fixletThis Inspector returns all of the plain fixlet objects. This is equivalent to "bes fixlets whose ( fixlet flag of it )".Win:8.0
fixlet <integer> of <bes site>Returns the Fixlet with the specified ID from the given BES site.Win
fixlet of <bes site>Returns a list all of the Fixlet objects in the given BES site.Win
source fixlet of <bes action>Returns the <bes fixlet> object that was the source of the specified action.Win
relevant fixlet of <bes computer>Returns a list of all the <bes fixlet> objects that the specified computer has reported are relevant.Win
element of <bes fixlet set>Returns the unique elements of the specified <bes fixlet set>, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win
fixlet of <bes fixlet result>Returns the Fixlet message associated with the specified Fixlet result.Win
analysis of <bes activation>Returns the source analysis fixlet that spawned the specified activation.Win
source fixlet of <bes baseline component>Returns the BES Fixlet(s) associated with the specified BES Baseline component.Win
source analysis of <bes property>Returns the <bes fixlet> object corresponding to the analysis that defines the specified property.Win
issued fixlet of <bes user>Returns all Fixlet messages issued by the specified user.Win:8.0
fixlet <integer> of <bes site>Returns the Fixlet with the specified ID from the given BES site.Win
fixlet of <bes site>Returns a list all of the Fixlet objects in the given BES site.Win
custom fixlet of <bes domain>Returns all custom fixlets that have been created in the specified BES domain.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes fixlet> = <bes fixlet><boolean>Compares two BES Fixlet types and returns TRUE if they are equal.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes fixlet> as xml<utf8 string>Converts the specified BES Fixlet to XML format, for submission to the EvaluateRelevance API used by the BES Console and Web Reports.Win
action <integer> of <bes fixlet><bes fixlet action>

Plural: actions
Returns an object representing the nth action for the specified Fixlet message.Win
action <string> of <bes fixlet><bes fixlet action>

Plural: actions
Returns an object representing the named action for the specified Fixlet message.Win
action of <bes fixlet><bes fixlet action>

Plural: actions
Returns a list of all the Fixlet actions associated with the specified Fixlet message.Win
activation of <bes fixlet><bes activation>

Plural: activations
If the specified Fixlet message is from an analysis, this Inspector returns a list of all of its activations.Win
analysis flag of <bes fixlet><boolean>

Plural: analysis flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES Fixlet message originates from an Analysis.Win
applicable computer count of <bes fixlet><integer>

Plural: applicable computer counts
Returns the number of computers (regardless of locking) that have reported that the specified Fixlet message is relevant.Win
applicable computer of <bes fixlet><bes computer>

Plural: applicable computers
Returns a list of all of the <bes computer> objects reporting that the specified Fixlet message is relevant.Win
applicable computer set of <bes fixlet><bes computer set>

Plural: applicable computer sets
Returns the set of computers where the given Fixlet(s) is applicable, i.e., those computers where the Fixlet is relevant.Win
baseline flag of <bes fixlet><boolean>

Plural: baseline flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES Fixlet message originates from a Baseline.Win
best activation of <bes fixlet><bes activation>

Plural: best activations
If the specified Fixlet message is from an analysis, then this Inspector returns the activation which is most appropriate for the current console user.Win
body of <bes fixlet><html>

Plural: bodies
Returns an HTML string containing the body of the Fixlet message.Win
category of <bes fixlet><string>

Plural: categories
Returns the category of the given Fixlet message as a string value, such as "Security Hotfix", "Service Pack", "Upgrade", and others.Win
charset of <bes fixlet><string>

Plural: charsets
Returns the character set to be used when displaying the body or text of the specified Fixlet message.Win
comment of <bes fixlet><bes comment>

Plural: comments
Returns the comments assigned to the specified BES Fixlet message.Win
component group of <bes fixlet><bes baseline component group>

Plural: component groups
If the specified Fixlet message is a baseline, then this Inspector iterates over the component groups.Win
components xml of <bes fixlet><string>

Plural: components xmls
If the specified Fixlet message is a baseline, then this Inspector returned the XML representation of the baseline components. Use component groups of <bes fixlet> instead.Win
creation time of <bes fixlet><time>

Plural: creation times
Returns the time when the specified fixlet was created. This Inspector is only valid for custom fixlets.Win
custom flag of <bes fixlet><boolean>

Plural: custom flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES Fixlet message is custom.Win
custom site flag of <bes fixlet><boolean>

Plural: custom site flags
Returns true if and only if the specified Fixlet message resides in a custom site.Win
custom site of <bes fixlet><bes site>

Plural: custom sites
If the specified Fixlet message resides in a custom site, this Inspector returns the corresponding site object.Win
cve id list of <bes fixlet><string>

Plural: cve id lists
Returns a string containing the list of CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) ID numbers associated with the specified Fixlet message.Win
default action of <bes fixlet><bes fixlet action>

Plural: default actions
Returns an object representing the default action for the specified Fixlet message.Win
digest file name of <bes fixlet><string>

Plural: digest file names
Returns the file name of the .fxf file that contains this Fixlet message, or the empty string if the Fixlet message does not come from a digest file (i.e., it is a custom Fixlet).Win
display category of <bes fixlet><string>

Plural: display categories
Returns the category of the specified Fixlet. This Inspector returns the value as displayed in the Console, which may be translated into various languages.Win:8.0
display message of <bes fixlet><html>

Plural: display messages
Returns the message portion of the specified Fixlet. This Inspector returns the value as displayed in the Console, which may be translated into various languages.Win:8.0
display name of <bes fixlet><string>

Plural: display names
Returns the name of the specified Fixlet. This Inspector returns the value as displayed in the Console, which may be translated into various languages.Win:8.0
display source id of <bes fixlet><string>

Plural: display source ids
Returns the source ID of the specified Fixlet. This Inspector returns the value as displayed in the Console, which may be translated into various languages.Win:8.0
display source of <bes fixlet><string>

Plural: display sources
Returns the source of the specified Fixlet. This Inspector returns the value as displayed in the Console, which may be translated into various languages.Win:8.0
display source severity of <bes fixlet><string>

Plural: display source severities
Returns the source severity of the specified Fixlet. This Inspector returns the value as displayed in the Console, which may be translated into various languages.Win:8.0
domain of <bes fixlet><bes domain>

Plural: domains
A domain is attached to a Fixlet message when it is created. This Inspector returns the domain associated with the specified Fixlet.Win:8.0
download size of <bes fixlet><integer>

Plural: download sizes
Returns the size of the download associated with this Fixlet message, in bytes.Win
field <string> of <bes fixlet><bes fixlet field>

Plural: fields
Returns a BES Fixlet field with the given name in the specified Fixlet.Win:8.0
field of <bes fixlet><bes fixlet field>

Plural: fields
Returns the fields associated with the specified BES Fixlet.Win:8.0
fixlet flag of <bes fixlet><boolean>

Plural: fixlet flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES Fixlet message originates from an ordinary Fixlet site.Win
globally visible flag of <bes fixlet><boolean>

Plural: globally visible flags
Returns TRUE if the specified Fixlet message is globally visible.Win
group flag of <bes fixlet><boolean>

Plural: group flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES Fixlet message originates from a Group.Win
id of <bes fixlet><integer>

Plural: ids
Returns the numeric ID unique to the specified Fixlet message.Win
issuer of <bes fixlet><bes user>

Plural: issuers
Returns the <bes user> object corresponding to the author of the specified fixlet.Win
link <html> of <bes fixlet><html>

Plural: links
Returns an HTML string containing an <A> tag including the supplied HTML description that, when clicked, will open the specified Fixlet document (in the BES Console) or its description page (in Web Reports).Win
link <string> of <bes fixlet><html>

Plural: links
Returns an HTML string containing an <A> tag including the supplied descriptive string that, when clicked, will open the specified Fixlet document (in the BES Console) or its description page (in Web Reports).Win
link href of <bes fixlet><string>

Plural: link hrefs
The link href property does not return an <A> tag but rather returns the value of the href attribute of the <A> tag that would be constructed by the other link inspectors. This allows you to create more flexible linking formats. (See link of <bes fixlet>). Note that link href returns a normal string, not an HTML string.Win
link of <bes fixlet><html>

Plural: links
Returns an HTML string containing an <A> tag that when clicked will open the specified Fixlet document (in the BES Console) or its description page (in Web Reports).Win
locally visible flag of <bes fixlet><boolean>

Plural: locally visible flags
Returns TRUE if the specified Fixlet message is locally visible.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
master site flag of <bes fixlet><boolean>

Plural: master site flags
Returns TRUE if the specified Fixlet message is from the Master site.Win
message of <bes fixlet><html>

Plural: messages
Returns an HTML string containing the text of the Fixlet message.Win
mime field <string> of <bes fixlet><string>

Plural: mime fields
External fixlet authors can add custom fields to their Fixlets. This Inspector returns the mime field labeled by <string> from the specified Fixlet.Win
mime field of <bes fixlet><mime field>

Plural: mime fields
Returns all the MIME fields for the specified Fixlet.Win:8.0
modification time of <bes fixlet><time>

Plural: modification times
Returns the time when the given BES Fixlet was last modified.Win:8.0
name of <bes fixlet><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name of the specified BES Fixlet.Win
open action count of <bes fixlet><integer>

Plural: open action counts
Returns the number of open actions whose source is the specified Fixlet message.Win
operator site flag of <bes fixlet><boolean>

Plural: operator site flags
Returns TRUE if and only if the specified Fixlet message resides in a non-master operator site.Win
property <integer> of <bes fixlet><bes property>

Plural: properties
If the specified Fixlet is from an analysis, this Inspector returns the property with the ID given by <integer>.Win
property of <bes fixlet><bes property>

Plural: properties
If the specified Fixlet is from an analysis, this Inspector returns a list of all of the <bes property> objects associated with it.Win
relevance clause of <bes fixlet><string>

Plural: relevance clauses
Iterates over all the individual relevances clauses in a Fixlet. The related Inspector 'relevance of <bes fixlet>' returns a single clause that ANDs together all the individual clauses.Win:8.0
relevance of <bes fixlet><string>

Plural: relevances
Returns the relevance expression used to determine if the specified Fixlet message is applicable on a client computer.Win
relevant <bes computer> of <bes fixlet><boolean>

Plural: relevants
Returns TRUE if the given Fixlet message is relevant on the specified computer.Win
result from <bes computer> of <bes fixlet><bes fixlet result>

Plural: results from
Returns a Fixlet result for the given computer and Fixlet.Win
result of <bes fixlet><bes fixlet result>

Plural: results
Returns a list of all <bes fixlet result> objects for all computers that have reported on the specified Fixlet message.Win
sans id list of <bes fixlet><string>

Plural: sans id lists
Returns a string containing the list of SANS (SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security) ID numbers associated with the specified Fixlet message.Win
set of <bes fixlet><bes fixlet set>

Plural: sets
Converts the specified BES Fixlet list to a set that can be arithmetically manipulated.Win
site of <bes fixlet><bes site>

Plural: sites
Returns the <bes site> object which contains the specified fixlet.Win
source id of <bes fixlet><string>

Plural: source ids
Returns the source ID of the given Fixlet message as a string value.Win
source of <bes fixlet><string>

Plural: sources
Returns the source of the given Fixlet message as a string value.Win
source release date of <bes fixlet><date>

Plural: source release dates
Returns the <date> object that represents the source release date of the specified Fixlet message.Win
source severity of <bes fixlet><string>

Plural: source severities
Returns the source severity of the given Fixlet message as a string value.Win
taken action of <bes fixlet><bes action>

Plural: taken actions
This Inspector Iterates over the Actions sourced from the given fixlet.Win:8.0
taken action set of <bes fixlet><bes action set>

Plural: taken action sets
This Inspector Iterates over the Actions sourced from the given fixlet and returns a set of Actions.Win:8.0
task flag of <bes fixlet><boolean>

Plural: task flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES Fixlet message originates from a Task.Win
type of <bes fixlet><string>

Plural: types
Returns the type of the specified Fixlet message, which can have values such as "Fixlet", "Task", "Analysis", "ComputerGroup" or "Baseline".Win
unique value of <bes fixlet><bes fixlet with multiplicity>

Plural: unique values
Returns the unique values of a given list of <bes fixlet> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win
unlocked computer count of <bes fixlet><integer>

Plural: unlocked computer counts
Returns the number of computers that are not locked and that have reported that the specified Fixlet message is relevant.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
visible flag of <bes fixlet><boolean>

Plural: visible flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES Fixlet is not globally or locally hidden.Win:8.0
wizard data of <bes fixlet><html>

Plural: wizard datas
If the specified Fixlet message was created with a Wizard then this Inspector returns the HTML string representing the DataStore element of that Wizard.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
wizard link of <bes fixlet><string>

Plural: wizard links
If the specified Fixlet message was created with a Wizard then this Inspector returns the HTML string representing the link of that Wizard.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
wizard name of <bes fixlet><string>

Plural: wizard names
If the specified Fixlet message was created with a Wizard then this Inspector returns the HTML string representing the name of that Wizard.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win

bes fixlet set

The <bes fixlet set> Inspectors iterate over the current set of BES Fixlets and package them as a mathematical set, suitable for further set manipulation.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bes analysis setThis Inspector returns all of the Analysis objects as a set. This is equivalent to "bes fixlets whose ( analysis flag of it )".Win:8.0
bes baseline setThis Inspector returns all of the Baseline objects as a set. This is equivalent to "bes fixlets whose ( baseline flag of it )".Win:8.0
bes fixlet setReturns the current list of BES Fixlet messages in the form of a set, which can be arithmetically manipulated.Win
bes task setThis Inspector returns all of the tasks objects as a set. This is equivalent to "bes fixlets whose ( task flag of it )".Win:8.0
custom bes fixlet setThis Inspector iterates over all of the fixlet objects, only returning sets of fixlets where "custom flag" is TRUE.Win:8.0
plain bes fixlet setThis Inspector returns all of the plain fixlet objects as a set. This is equivalent to "bes fixlets whose ( fixlet flag of it )".Win:8.0
fixlet set of <bes site>Returns the set of Fixlets that are associated with the specified BES Site.Win
relevant fixlet set of <bes computer>Returns a list of all the <bes fixlet> objects that the specified computer has reported are relevant. The list is formatted as a mathematical set.Win
set of <bes fixlet>Converts the specified BES Fixlet list to a set that can be arithmetically manipulated.

size of (set of bes fixlets) - Returns the current number of BES Fixlet messages.
intersection of <bes fixlet set>Returns the intersection of multiple BES Fixlet sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win
union of <bes fixlet set>Returns the union of multiple BES Fixlet sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win
<bes fixlet set> {op} <bes fixlet set>Operates on two sets of BES Fixlets, where {op} is one of: -, *, + or 'contains'. Minus subtracts the elements of one set from the other, multiply performs an intersection, plus performs a union and 'contains' find subsets.Win
issued fixlet set of <bes user>Returns all Fixlet message sets issued by the specified user.Win:8.0
analysis set of <bes filter>Returns a filtered set of Analyses. Given an Analysis filter that specifies "Visibility equals Visible", this Inspector returns only the set of BES Analyses that are visible.Win
baseline set of <bes filter>Returns a filtered set of Baselines. Given a Baseline filter that specifies "Visibility equals Visible", this Inspector returns only the set of BES Baselines that are visible.Win
computer group set of <bes filter>Returns a filtered set of computer groups. Given a computer group filter that specifies "Name contains 'test'", this Inspector returns the set of computer groups that have 'test' in their name.Win
fixlet set of <bes filter>Returns a filtered set of Fixlets. Given a Fixlet filter that specifies "Visibility equals Globally Hidden", this Inspector returns only the set of BES Fixlets that are globally hidden.Win
task set of <bes filter>Returns a filtered set of Tasks. Given a Task filter that specifies "Visibility equals Locally Hidden", this Inspector returns only the set of BES Tasks that are locally hidden.Win
fixlet set of <bes site>Returns the set of Fixlets that are associated with the specified BES Site.Win
custom fixlet set of <bes domain>Returns all custom fixlets (as a set) that have been created in the specified BES domain.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes fixlet set> {op} <bes fixlet set><bes fixlet set>Operates on two sets of BES Fixlets, where {op} is one of: -, *, + or 'contains'. Minus subtracts the elements of one set from the other, multiply performs an intersection, plus performs a union and 'contains' find subsets.Win
<bes fixlet set> = <bes fixlet set><boolean>Compares two sets of BES Fixlets for equivalence.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes fixlet set> as xml<utf8 string>Converts the specified set of BES Fixlets to XML format, for submission to the EvaluateRelevance API used by the BES Console and Web Reports.Win
element of <bes fixlet set><bes fixlet>

Plural: elements
Returns the unique elements of the specified <bes fixlet set>, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win
intersection of <bes fixlet set><bes fixlet set>

Plural: intersections
Returns the intersection of multiple BES Fixlet sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win
size of <bes fixlet set><integer>

Plural: sizes
Returns the number of unique BES Fixlets in the specified set.Win
union of <bes fixlet set><bes fixlet set>

Plural: unions
Returns the union of multiple BES Fixlet sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win

bes fixlet with multiplicity

The <bes fixlet with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of BES fixlets, allowing you to extract unique fixlets and count them.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
unique value of <bes fixlet>Returns the unique values of a given list of <bes fixlet> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
multiplicity of <bes fixlet with multiplicity><integer>

Plural: multiplicities
Sorts the list and returns the multiplicity, or count, of each unique element in the specified list of multiple <bes fixlet> types.Win

bes fixlet action

The <bes fixlet action> Inspectors let you examine BES Actions that are attached to Fixlet messages.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
action <integer> of <bes fixlet>Returns an object representing the nth action for the specified Fixlet message.Win
action <string> of <bes fixlet>Returns an object representing the named action for the specified Fixlet message.Win
action of <bes fixlet>Returns a list of all the Fixlet actions associated with the specified Fixlet message.Win
default action of <bes fixlet>Returns an object representing the default action for the specified Fixlet message.Win
action of <bes baseline component>Returns the Action corresponding to the specified BES Baseline component.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
content id of <bes fixlet action><string>

Plural: content ids
Returns the content ID field for the specified Fixlet action.Win
script of <bes fixlet action><string>

Plural: scripts
Returns the script for the specified Fixlet action.Win
script type of <bes fixlet action><string>

Plural: script types
Returns the MIME type of the specified Fixlet action.Win

bes fixlet result

The <bes fixlet result> Inspectors allow you to inspect the results of BES Fixlet messages, including relevance and affected computers.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
result <( bes computer, bes fixlet )>Returns a Fixlet result for the given computer and Fixlet. This command is a variant of other result Inspectors, such as result from <bes fixlet> of <bes computer>.Win
result <( bes fixlet, bes computer )>Returns a Fixlet result for the given computer and Fixlet. This command is a variant of other result Inspectors, such as result from <bes fixlet> of <bes computer>.Win
result from <bes fixlet> of <bes computer>Returns a Fixlet result for the given computer and Fixlet.Win
result from <bes computer> of <bes fixlet>Returns a Fixlet result for the given computer and Fixlet.Win
result of <bes fixlet>Returns a list of all <bes fixlet result> objects for all computers that have reported on the specified Fixlet message.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
computer of <bes fixlet result><bes computer>

Plural: computers
Returns the BES computer associated with the specified Fixlet result.Win
first became relevant of <bes fixlet result><time>

Plural: first became relevants
Returns the time when the Fixlet result first became relevant.Note: This is a Web Reports-only Inspector.Win
fixlet of <bes fixlet result><bes fixlet>

Plural: fixlets
Returns the Fixlet message associated with the specified Fixlet result.Win
last became nonrelevant of <bes fixlet result><time>

Plural: last became nonrelevants
Returns the time when the Fixlet result last became non-relevant. This may be tied to the successful completion of the Fixlet message.Note: This is a Web Reports-only Inspector.Win
last became relevant of <bes fixlet result><time>

Plural: last became relevants
Returns the time when the Fixlet result last became relevant.Note: This is a Web Reports-only Inspector.Win
relevant flag of <bes fixlet result><boolean>

Plural: relevant flags
Returns TRUE if the computer reports that the given Fixlet result is relevant, and FALSE otherwise.Win

bes activation

The <bes activation> Inspectors examine the various Analyses that have been activated on the networked BES Clients.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
activation of <bes fixlet>If the specified Fixlet message is from an analysis, this Inspector returns a list of all of its activations.Win
best activation of <bes fixlet>If the specified Fixlet message is from an analysis, then this Inspector returns the activation which is most appropriate for the current console user.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
active flag of <bes activation><boolean>

Plural: active flags
Returns TRUE if the specified activation is active, FALSE if it has been stopped.Win
analysis of <bes activation><bes fixlet>

Plural: analyses
Returns the source analysis fixlet that spawned the specified activation.Win
creation time of <bes activation><time>

Plural: creation times
Returns the time when the given BES Analysis activation was created.Win
database id of <bes activation><integer>

Plural: database ids
In the Web Reports environment, this Inspector returns the numeric ID of the database in which this BES Activation resides.Win
id of <bes activation><integer>

Plural: ids
Returns the numeric ID of the BES activation object.Win
issuer of <bes activation><bes user>

Plural: issuers
Returns the <bes user> object corresponding to the user who issued the specified activation.Win
modification time of <bes activation><time>

Plural: modification times
Returns the time when the given BES Analysis activation was last modified.Win
name of <bes activation><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name of the specified BES activation as a string.Win

bes baseline component

The <bes baseline component> Inspectors return the individual components of a Baseline, such as Fixlets, Tasks or other Baselines.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
component of <bes baseline component group>Returns a list of the components of the specified BES Baseline component group.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
action of <bes baseline component><bes fixlet action>

Plural: actions
Returns the Action corresponding to the specified BES Baseline component.Win
applicable computer count of <bes baseline component><integer>

Plural: applicable computer counts
Returns the number of computers (regardless of locking) that have reported that the specified BES Baseline component is relevant.Win
applicable computer set of <bes baseline component><bes computer set>

Plural: applicable computer sets
Returns the set of computers where the given baseline component(s) is applicable, i.e., those computers where the baseline component is relevant.Win
id of <bes baseline component><integer>

Plural: ids
Returns the numeric ID of the specified BES Baseline component.Win
include in relevance flag of <bes baseline component><boolean>

Plural: include in relevance flags
When you define a Baseline by adding components, the default is to OR the relevance from each baseline component with the overall Baseline relevance. Thus, the multiple Action group will be relevant on machines where any of the components are relevant. If you add a component that is always relevant (such as "true"), you might want to uncheck the "Baseline will be relevant on applicable computers where this component is relevant" checkbox (click the + next to the component name to see it). This Inspector returns TRUE if this box is checked for the specified component.Win
name of <bes baseline component><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name of the specified BES Baseline component.Win
relevance of <bes baseline component><string>

Plural: relevances
Returns the relevance expression used to determine if the specified BES Baseline component is applicable on a client computer.Win
source fixlet of <bes baseline component><bes fixlet>

Plural: source fixlets
Returns the BES Fixlet(s) associated with the specified BES Baseline component.Win
unknown computer count of <bes baseline component><integer>

Plural: unknown computer counts
Returns the number of unknown computers associated with the specified baseline component.Win
unknown computer set of <bes baseline component><bes computer set>

Plural: unknown computer sets
Returns the unknown computers associated with the specified baseline component. The list is formatted as a set for mathematical manipulations, included intersections and unions.Win

bes baseline component group

Baselines provide a method of grouping Actions from multiple Fixlets, Tasks, or other Baselines. Once a Baseline is defined (in the BES Console) the Actions are all grouped for simulataneous application. This technique allows you to form natural groupings of Actions for a single-click deployment.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
component group of <bes fixlet>If the specified Fixlet message is a baseline, then this Inspector iterates over the component groups.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
component of <bes baseline component group><bes baseline component>

Plural: components
Returns a list of the components of the specified BES Baseline component group.Win
name of <bes baseline component group><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name(s) of the specified BES Baseline component group(s).Win

bes comment

The <bes comment> Inspectors return the text, timestamp and author of BES Comments.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
comment of <bes action>Returns the comments assigned to the specified BES Action.Win
comment of <bes computer>Returns the comments assigned to the specified BES Computer.Win
comment of <bes fixlet>Returns the comments assigned to the specified BES Fixlet message.

(name of author of it, text of it) of comments of bes fixlets - Returns a list of all the comments attached to the BES Fixlets, along with the author's name.


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
author of <bes comment><bes user>

Plural: authors
Returns the author of the specified BES Comment.Win
deleted flag of <bes comment><boolean>

Plural: deleted flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES Comment has been deleted.Win
text of <bes comment><string>

Plural: texts
Returns the text of the specified BES Comment.Win
timestamp of <bes comment><time>

Plural: timestamps
Returns the time that the specified BES Comment was posted.Win

bes property

The <bes property> Inspectors return information about the properties of BES Client computers. Properties -- along with their names, IDs and definitions -- can be iterated to produce property lists of all your networked BES computers.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bes propertyReturns a list of all the BES custom site objects.Win
bes property <string>Returns the first property whose name matches the given string. Note that it is not safe to assume that there is only one property with a given name.Win
property <integer> of <bes fixlet>If the specified Fixlet is from an analysis, this Inspector returns the property with the ID given by <integer>.Win
property of <bes fixlet>If the specified Fixlet is from an analysis, this Inspector returns a list of all of the <bes property> objects associated with it.Win
element of <bes property set>Returns the unique elements of the specified <bes property set>, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win
property of <bes property result>Returns the property corresponding to the specified BES property result.Win


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes property> = <bes property><boolean>Compares two BES Property types and returns TRUE if they are equal.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes property> as xml<utf8 string>Converts the specified BES Property to XML format, for submission to the EvaluateRelevance API used by the BES Console and Web Reports.Win
analysis flag of <bes property><boolean>

Plural: analysis flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES property is an analysis property.Win
category of <bes property><string>

Plural: categories
Returns the optional category created for the specified BES property.Win
custom flag of <bes property><boolean>

Plural: custom flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES property is custom.Win
database id of <bes property><integer>

Plural: database ids
In the Web Reports environment, this Inspector returns the numeric ID of the database containing the specified BES property.Win
default flag of <bes property><boolean>

Plural: default flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES property is the default.Win
definition of <bes property><string>

Plural: definitions
Returns the relevance expression which defines the specified property.Win
disk usage of <bes property><integer>

Plural: disk usages
Gives the size in bytes of the cache file holding the results for the given property.Win:8.0
display category of <bes property><string>

Plural: display categories
Returns the category of the specified BES property. This Inspector returns the value as displayed in the Console, which may be translated into various languages.Win:8.0
display name of <bes property><string>

Plural: display names
Returns the name of the specified BES property. This Inspector returns the value as displayed in the Console, which may be translated into various languages.Win:8.0
display simple name of <bes property><string>

Plural: display simple names
Returns the simple name of the specified BES property. This Inspector returns the value as displayed in the Console, which may be translated into various languages.Win:8.0
evaluation period of <bes property><time interval>

Plural: evaluation periods
Returns the <time interval> that controls how frequently clients will submit reports for the specified property.Win
id of <bes property><( integer, integer, integer )>

Plural: ids
Returns a 3-tuple of integers composed of the site ID, analysis ID and property ID. The first integer identifies the site hosting the Analysis. For custom properties not contained in an analysis (those created using the Manage Properties dialog), it is the ID of the Action site. The second integer indentifies the Analysis containing the property. For custom properties, this is 0. The third integer identifies the property itself. This is the same as the source ID if the property is defined in an Analysis. If it is not defined in an Analysis then this is the unique object ID for the property.Win
keep statistics flag of <bes property><boolean>

Plural: keep statistics flags
Returns TRUE if statistics are being kept for the specified BES property.Win
memory usage of <bes property><integer>

Plural: memory usages
Returns an estimate of the number of bytes of virtual memory that is currently being used to store the result of the given property.Win:8.0
name of <bes property><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name of the specified BES property. This name is not guaranteed to be unique.Win
reported computer set of <bes property><bes computer set>

Plural: reported computer sets
Returns a list of all the computers that have reported for the specified BES property. The list is formatted as a mathematical set.Win
reserved flag of <bes property><boolean>

Plural: reserved flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES property is reserved.Win
result from <bes computer> of <bes property><bes property result>

Plural: results from
Returns the result of the specified BES property and computer.Win
result of <bes property><bes property result>

Plural: results
Returns a list of the BES property results for every computer reporting a result for the specified property.Win
set of <bes property><bes property set>

Plural: sets
Converts the specified BES Property list to a set that can be arithmetically manipulated.Win
simple name of <bes property><string>

Plural: simple names
Returns the non-category portion of the property name.Win
source analysis of <bes property><bes fixlet>

Plural: source analyses
Returns the <bes fixlet> object corresponding to the analysis that defines the specified property.Win
source evaluation period of <bes property><time interval>

Plural: source evaluation periods
Returns the period of the property as specified by the analysis that defines it. This period is not necessarily the same as the period of the property.Win
source id of <bes property><integer>

Plural: source ids
Returns the ID of the property as specified by the analysis that defines it. This is not the same as the unique property ID.Win
source name of <bes property><string>

Plural: source names
Returns the name of the property as specified by the analysis that defines it. This name is not necessarily the same as the name of the property.Win
statistic range of <bes property><statistic range>

Plural: statistic ranges
Returns the range of statistical bins associated with the given property. The property must be marked for statistical aggregation. If not, or if no clients have reported results, it throws NoSuchObject.Win
unique value of <bes property><bes property with multiplicity>

Plural: unique values
Returns the unique values of a given list of <bes property> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win

bes property set

The <bes property set> Inspectors iterate over the current set of BES properties and package them as a mathematical set, suitable for further set manipulation.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bes property setReturns the current list of BES Properties in the form of a set, which can be arithmetically manipulated.Win
reported property set of <bes computer>Returns a list of all the BES properties that have reported on the specified computer(s). The list is formatted as a mathematical set.Win
set of <bes property>Converts the specified BES Property list to a set that can be arithmetically manipulated.

size of (set of bes properties) - Returns the current number of BES properties.
intersection of <bes property set>Returns the intersection of multiple BES property sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win
union of <bes property set>Returns the union of multiple BES property sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win
<bes property set> {op} <bes property set>Operates on two sets of BES properties, where {op} is one of: -, *, + or 'contains'. Minus subtracts the elements of one set from the other, multiply performs an intersection, plus performs a union and 'contains' find subsets.Win


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes property set> {op} <bes property set><bes property set>Operates on two sets of BES properties, where {op} is one of: -, *, + or 'contains'. Minus subtracts the elements of one set from the other, multiply performs an intersection, plus performs a union and 'contains' find subsets.Win
<bes property set> = <bes property set><boolean>Compares two sets of BES properties for equivalence.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes property set> as xml<utf8 string>Converts the specified set of BES Properties to XML format, for submission to the EvaluateRelevance API used by the BES Console and Web Reports.Win
element of <bes property set><bes property>

Plural: elements
Returns the unique elements of the specified <bes property set>, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win
intersection of <bes property set><bes property set>

Plural: intersections
Returns the intersection of multiple BES property sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win
size of <bes property set><integer>

Plural: sizes
Returns the number of unique BES Properties in the specified set.Win
union of <bes property set><bes property set>

Plural: unions
Returns the union of multiple BES property sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win

bes property with multiplicity

The <bes property with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of BES properties, allowing you to extract unique properties and count them.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
unique value of <bes property>Returns the unique values of a given list of <bes property> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
multiplicity of <bes property with multiplicity><integer>

Plural: multiplicities
Sorts the list and returns the multiplicity, or count, of each unique element in the specified list of multiple <bes property> types.Win

bes property result

The <bes property result> Inspectors return the results returned by the given properties of the specified BES Client computers.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
result <( bes computer, bes property )>Returns the result of the specified BES property and computer.Win
result <( bes property, bes computer )>Returns the result of the specified BES property and computer.Win
property result of <bes computer>Returns a list of all of the <bes property result> objects that the specified BES computer has reported.Win
result from <bes property> of <bes computer>Returns the result of the specified BES property and computer.Win
result from <bes computer> of <bes property>Returns the result of the specified BES property and computer.Win
result of <bes property>Returns a list of the BES property results for every computer reporting a result for the specified property.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
computer of <bes property result><bes computer>

Plural: computers
Returns the computer corresponding to the specified BES property result.Win
error flag of <bes property result><boolean>

Plural: error flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES property result is an error.Win
error message of <bes property result><string>

Plural: error messages
If the specified BES property result is an error, this Inspector returns the error message.Win
plural flag of <bes property result><boolean>

Plural: plural flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES property result is a multiple result.Win
property of <bes property result><bes property>

Plural: properties
Returns the property corresponding to the specified BES property result.Win
value count of <bes property result><integer>

Plural: value counts
Returns the number of values reported by this computer for the specified property result.Win
value of <bes property result><string>

Plural: values
Returns a list of the <string> values reported by this computer for the specified property result.Win

bes server

The <bes server> Inspectors return information about the BES Server, allowing Dashboards and Web Reports to access files and other information from the BES database.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
current bes serverReturns a <bes server> object corresponding to the BES Server currently connected to the Console or Web Reports applications. The current bes server Inspectors allow dashboards to access files hosted on the current BES Server.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
database id of <bes server><integer>

Plural: database ids of <bes server>
Returns the integer database ID corresponding to the specified BES Server.Win
database name of <bes server><string>

Plural: database names of <bes server>
Returns the database name (as a <string>) corresponding to the specified BES Server.Win
url of <bes server><string>

Plural: urls of <bes server>
Returns the URL of the specified BES Server, providing access to any files hosted on that server.Win

bes user

The <bes user> Inspectors let you keep track of the users authorized to use the BES Console. You can iterate over the users, producing lists containing information such as the name and authorization level.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bes userReturns a list of all the BES users.Win
current console userReturns a user object for the user currently logged into the BES Console.Win
creator of <bes site>Returns the <bes user> who created the specified custom site. Does not exist for External, Master or Operator sites.Win
explicit owner of <bes site>Returns a list of BES users that have been granted ownership of the specified site. Notice that the creator of this site is not included in the owner list.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
explicit reader of <bes site>Returns a list of BES users that have been granted reading privileges on the specified site. Notice that the creator, owners (unless explicitly added) and writers of this site are not included in this reader list.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
explicit writer of <bes site>Returns a list of BES users that have been granted writing privileges on the specified site. Notice that the creator and owners (unless explicitly added) of this site are not included in this reader list.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
operator of <bes site>Win:8.2
owner of <bes site>Returns a list of BES users that have been granted ownership of the specified site. Notice that the creator of this site is not included in the owner list.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
reader of <bes site>Returns a list of BES users that have been granted reading privileges on the specified site. Notice that the creator, owners (unless explicitly added) and writers of this site are not included in this reader list.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
writer of <bes site>Returns a list of BES users that have been granted writing privileges on the specified site. Notice that the creator and owners (unless explicitly added) of this site are not included in this reader list.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
issuer of <bes action>Returns the BES user object corresponding to the issuer of the specified action.Win
stopper of <bes action>If the specified action has been stopped, this Inspector returns the user who stopped it.Win
administrator of <bes computer>Iterates over the users who have administrative rights on this computer.Win
issuer of <bes computer group>Returns the <bes user> object corresponding to the bes computer group that issued the specified activation.Win:8.0
issuer of <bes fixlet>Returns the <bes user> object corresponding to the author of the specified fixlet.

(name of item 0 of it, size of item 1 of it) of (it, sets of items 1 of (it, bes fixlets) whose (issuer of item 1 of it = item 0 of it)) of bes users - Returns a list of the names of the current BES Users and the number of Fixlets each one has issued.
issuer of <bes activation>Returns the <bes user> object corresponding to the user who issued the specified activation.Win
author of <bes comment>Returns the author of the specified BES Comment.Win
element of <bes user set>Returns the unique elements of the specified <bes user set>, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win
creator of <bes site>Returns the <bes user> who created the specified custom site. Does not exist for External, Master or Operator sites.Win
explicit owner of <bes site>Returns a list of BES users that have been granted ownership of the specified site. Notice that the creator of this site is not included in the owner list.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
explicit reader of <bes site>Returns a list of BES users that have been granted reading privileges on the specified site. Notice that the creator, owners (unless explicitly added) and writers of this site are not included in this reader list.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
explicit writer of <bes site>Returns a list of BES users that have been granted writing privileges on the specified site. Notice that the creator and owners (unless explicitly added) of this site are not included in this reader list.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
operator of <bes site>Win:8.2
owner of <bes site>Returns a list of BES users that have been granted ownership of the specified site. Notice that the creator of this site is not included in the owner list.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
reader of <bes site>Returns a list of BES users that have been granted reading privileges on the specified site. Notice that the creator, owners (unless explicitly added) and writers of this site are not included in this reader list.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
writer of <bes site>Returns a list of BES users that have been granted writing privileges on the specified site. Notice that the creator and owners (unless explicitly added) of this site are not included in this reader list.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes user> = <bes user><boolean>Compares two BES Users.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
action site of <bes user><bes site>

Plural: action sites
If the user is a master operator, this Inspector returns the Master Action site. Otherwise, it returns the operator site of the user. For example, "number of subscribed computers of action site of current console user".Win:8.0
administered computer of <bes user><bes computer>

Plural: administered computers
Iterates and returns a list of the computers that are administered by the specified BES user.Win
administered computer set of <bes user><bes computer set>

Plural: administered computer sets
Returns the set of computers that are administerable by the specified BES user.Win
administrator <bes computer> of <bes user><boolean>

Plural: administrators
Returns TRUE if the specified user is an administrator of the given computers.Win
creation time of <bes user><time>

Plural: creation times
Returns the time when the specified user was created.Win
custom content flag of <bes user><boolean>

Plural: custom content flags
Returns TRUE if the user has been granted the privilege to author custom content/actions.Win
issued action of <bes user><bes action>

Plural: issued actions
Returns all actions, including hidden actions, issued by the specified user.Win
issued action set of <bes user><bes action set>

Plural: issued action sets
Returns all actions, including hidden actions, issued by the specified user. This list is formatted as a mathematical set.Win
issued computer group of <bes user><bes computer group>

Plural: issued computer groups
Returns all computer groups issued by the specified user.Win:8.0
issued computer group set of <bes user><bes computer group set>

Plural: issued computer group sets
Returns all computer group sets issued by the specified user.Win:8.0
issued fixlet of <bes user><bes fixlet>

Plural: issued fixlets
Returns all Fixlet messages issued by the specified user.Win:8.0
issued fixlet set of <bes user><bes fixlet set>

Plural: issued fixlet sets
Returns all Fixlet message sets issued by the specified user.Win:8.0
last login time of <bes user><time>

Plural: last login times
Returns the time of the specified user's most recent database login.Win
link <html> of <bes user><html>

Plural: links
Returns an HTML string containing an <A> tag including the supplied HTML description that, when clicked, will open the specified user document (in the BES Console) or its description page (in Web Reports).Win
link <string> of <bes user><html>

Plural: links
Returns an HTML string containing an <A> tag including the supplied descriptive string that, when clicked, will open the given user document (in the BES Console) or description page (in Web Reports).Win
link href of <bes user><string>

Plural: link hrefs
The link href property does not return an <A> tag but rather returns the value of the href attribute of the <A> tag that would be constructed by the other link inspectors. This allows you to create more flexible linking formats. (See link of <bes user>). Note that link href returns a normal string, not an HTML string.Win
link of <bes user><html>

Plural: links
Returns an HTML string containing an <A> tag that when clicked will open the specified user document (in the BES Console) or its description page (in Web Reports).Win
master flag of <bes user><boolean>

Plural: master flags
Returns TRUE if the user is a master administrator.Win
masthead operator name of <bes user><string>

Plural: masthead operator names
name of <bes user><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name of the specified BES user (database login name).Win
operator site of <bes user><bes site>

Plural: operator sites
This Inspector returns the BES site object for the given (non-master) user. If the user is a Master Operator, this Inspector will throw NoSuchObject.Win:8.0
role of <bes user><bes role>

Plural: roles
role set of <bes user><bes role set>

Plural: role sets
set of <bes user><bes user set>

Plural: sets
Converts the specified BES User list to a set that can be arithmetically manipulated.Win
unique value of <bes user><bes user with multiplicity>

Plural: unique values
Returns the unique values and counts of a given list of <bes user> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win
unmanagedasset privilege scanpoint flag of <bes user><boolean>

Plural: unmanagedasset privilege scanpoint flags
When you create or edit a user, you specify whether they can see all unmanaged assets, none, or only those that were scanned by a computer which the user manages. This Inspector returns TRUE if the "scanpoint only" option is set for the specified user.Win
unmanagedasset privilege showall flag of <bes user><boolean>

Plural: unmanagedasset privilege showall flags
When you create or edit a user, you specify whether they can see all unmanaged assets, none, or only those that were scanned by a computer which the user manages. This Inspector returns TRUE if all assets are visible for the specified user.Win
unmanagedasset privilege shownone flag of <bes user><boolean>

Plural: unmanagedasset privilege shownone flags
When you create or edit a user, you specify whether they can see all unmanaged assets, none, or only those that were scanned by a computer which the user manages. This Inspector returns TRUE if no assets are visible the specified user.Win

bes user set

The <bes user set> Inspectors iterate over the current set of BES users and package them as a mathematical set, suitable for further set manipulation.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bes user setReturns the current list of BES Users in the form of a set, which can be arithmetically manipulated.Win
explicit owner set of <bes site>Returns the set of BES users who are owners (an iterated list) of the specified BES site.Win
explicit reader set of <bes site>Returns the set of BES users who have read rights (the iterated list) on the specified BES custom site.Win
explicit writer set of <bes site>Returns the set of BES users who have write permissions (as an iterated list) on the specified BES site.Win
owner set of <bes site>Returns the set of BES users who are owners (an iterated list) of the specified BES site.Win
reader set of <bes site>Returns the set of BES users who have read rights (the iterated list) on the specified BES custom site.Win
writer set of <bes site>Returns the set of BES users who have write permissions (as an iterated list) on the specified BES site.Win
administrator set of <bes computer>Returns the set of users who have administrative rights on this computer.Win
set of <bes user>Converts the specified BES User list to a set that can be arithmetically manipulated.

size of (set of bes users) - Returns the current number of BES users.
intersection of <bes user set>Returns the intersection of multiple BES User sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win
union of <bes user set>Returns the union of multiple BES User sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win
<bes user set> {op} <bes user set>Operates on two sets of BES Users, where {op} is one of: -, *, + or 'contains'. Minus subtracts the elements of one set from the other, multiply performs an intersection, plus performs a union and 'contains' find subsets.Win
user set of <bes filter>Returns a filtered set of Console Operators. Given a Console Operator filter that specifies "Name contains Joe", this Inspector returns only the set of Console Operators named Joe.Win
explicit owner set of <bes site>Returns the set of BES users who are owners (an iterated list) of the specified BES site.Win
explicit reader set of <bes site>Returns the set of BES users who have read rights (the iterated list) on the specified BES custom site.Win
explicit writer set of <bes site>Returns the set of BES users who have write permissions (as an iterated list) on the specified BES site.Win
owner set of <bes site>Returns the set of BES users who are owners (an iterated list) of the specified BES site.Win
reader set of <bes site>Returns the set of BES users who have read rights (the iterated list) on the specified BES custom site.Win
writer set of <bes site>Returns the set of BES users who have write permissions (as an iterated list) on the specified BES site.Win


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes user set> {op} <bes user set><bes user set>Operates on two sets of BES Users, where {op} is one of: -, *, + or 'contains'. Minus subtracts the elements of one set from the other, multiply performs an intersection, plus performs a union and 'contains' find subsets.Win
<bes user set> = <bes user set><boolean>Compares two sets of BES Users for equivalence.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
element of <bes user set><bes user>

Plural: elements
Returns the unique elements of the specified <bes user set>, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win
intersection of <bes user set><bes user set>

Plural: intersections
Returns the intersection of multiple BES User sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win
size of <bes user set><integer>

Plural: sizes
Returns the number of unique BES Users in the specified set.Win
union of <bes user set><bes user set>

Plural: unions
Returns the union of multiple BES User sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win

bes user with multiplicity

The <bes user with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of BES users, allowing you to extract unique users and count them.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
unique value of <bes user>Returns the unique values and counts of a given list of <bes user> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
multiplicity of <bes user with multiplicity><integer>

Plural: multiplicities
Sorts the list and returns the multiplicity, or count, of each unique element in the specified list of multiple <bes user> types.Win

bes filter

The <bes filter> Inspectors return the filters, which represent the criteria used by the Find command (Ctrl-F in the BES Console). The filters are specific to computers, computer groups, Actions, Analyses, Baselines, Unmanaged Assets, Users, Tasks or Fixlets, and are appropriately flagged.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bes filterReturns the list of the currently defined BES Filters, collected across all topics, including Baselines, Actions, Fixlets, etcetera.

names of bes filters - Returns a list of the currently defined BES Filters used in the Find (ctrl-F) commands.
bes filter <integer>Returns the filter with the specified ID. It is the same as "bes filter whose (id of it is <integer>)".

name of bes filter 2 - Returns the name of the second BES Filter (a saved Find command).
element of <bes filter set>Returns the unique elements of the specified <bes filter set>, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win
filter of <bes domain>Returns all the custom filters that have been created in the specified BES domain.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes filter set> contains <bes filter><boolean>Returns TRUE if the specified filter set contains the given filter.Win
<bes filter> = <bes filter><boolean>Compares two BES Filter types and returns TRUE if they are equal.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
action flag of <bes filter><boolean>

Plural: action flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES Filter was designed for finding Actions.Win
action set of <bes filter><bes action set>

Plural: action sets
Returns a filtered set of Actions. Given an Action filter that specifies "Name contains 'Custom Action'", this Inspector returns the set of BES Actions with 'Custom Action' in the name.Win
analysis flag of <bes filter><boolean>

Plural: analysis flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES Filter was designed for finding Analyses.Win
analysis set of <bes filter><bes fixlet set>

Plural: analysis sets
Returns a filtered set of Analyses. Given an Analysis filter that specifies "Visibility equals Visible", this Inspector returns only the set of BES Analyses that are visible.Win
baseline flag of <bes filter><boolean>

Plural: baseline flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES Filter was designed for finding Baselines.Win
baseline set of <bes filter><bes fixlet set>

Plural: baseline sets
Returns a filtered set of Baselines. Given a Baseline filter that specifies "Visibility equals Visible", this Inspector returns only the set of BES Baselines that are visible.Win
computer flag of <bes filter><boolean>

Plural: computer flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES Filter was designed for finding computers.Win
computer group set of <bes filter><bes fixlet set>

Plural: computer group sets
Returns a filtered set of computer groups. Given a computer group filter that specifies "Name contains 'test'", this Inspector returns the set of computer groups that have 'test' in their name.Win
computer set of <bes filter><bes computer set>

Plural: computer sets
Returns a filtered set of Computers. Given a Computer filter that specifies "OS contains 'Win'", this Inspector returns the set of Windows Computers.Win
domain of <bes filter><bes domain>

Plural: domains
Returns the BES domain where the specified BES filter(s) were created.Win:8.0
fixlet flag of <bes filter><boolean>

Plural: fixlet flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES Filter was designed for finding Computers.Win
fixlet set of <bes filter><bes fixlet set>

Plural: fixlet sets
Returns a filtered set of Fixlets. Given a Fixlet filter that specifies "Visibility equals Globally Hidden", this Inspector returns only the set of BES Fixlets that are globally hidden.Win
group flag of <bes filter><boolean>

Plural: group flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES Filter was designed for finding computer groups.Win
id of <bes filter><integer>

Plural: ids
Returns the numeric ID unique to the specified BES filter.Win
join by intersection flag of <bes filter><boolean>

Plural: join by intersection flags
Returns TRUE if the various find properties are intersected (included with ALL properties) in the specified filter.Win
name of <bes filter><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name of the specified BES filter.Win
private flag of <bes filter><boolean>

Plural: private flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES filter is marked as private.Win
set of <bes filter><bes filter set>

Plural: sets
Converts the specified BES Filter list to a set that can be arithmetically manipulated.Win
task flag of <bes filter><boolean>

Plural: task flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES Filter was designed for finding Tasks.Win
task set of <bes filter><bes fixlet set>

Plural: task sets
Returns a filtered set of Tasks. Given a Task filter that specifies "Visibility equals Locally Hidden", this Inspector returns only the set of BES Tasks that are locally hidden.Win
unique value of <bes filter><bes filter with multiplicity>

Plural: unique values
Returns the unique values of a given list of <bes filter> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win
unmanagedasset flag of <bes filter><boolean>

Plural: unmanagedasset flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES Filter was designed for finding Unmanaged Assets.Win
user flag of <bes filter><boolean>

Plural: user flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES Filter was designed for finding Users.Win
user set of <bes filter><bes user set>

Plural: user sets
Returns a filtered set of Console Operators. Given a Console Operator filter that specifies "Name contains Joe", this Inspector returns only the set of Console Operators named Joe.Win

bes filter set

The <bes filter set> Inspectors return the iterated list of BES Filters, converted into a set to make it easy to do set arithmetic with the list.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bes filter setIterates over the BES Filters and converts the list to a set.Win
set of <bes filter>Converts the specified BES Filter list to a set that can be arithmetically manipulated.

size of (set of bes filters) - Returns the current number of defined and saved BES find filters.
intersection of <bes filter set>Returns the intersection of multiple BES filter sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win
union of <bes filter set>Returns the union of multiple BES filter sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win
<bes filter set> {op} <bes filter set>Operates on two sets of BES filters, where {op} is one of: -, *, + or 'contains'. Minus subtracts the elements of one set from the other, multiply performs an intersection, plus performs a union and 'contains' find subsets.Win
filter set of <bes domain>Returns all the custom filters (as a set) that have been created in the specified BES domain.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes filter set> {op} <bes filter set><bes filter set>Operates on two sets of BES filters, where {op} is one of: -, *, + or 'contains'. Minus subtracts the elements of one set from the other, multiply performs an intersection, plus performs a union and 'contains' find subsets.Win
<bes filter set> = <bes filter set><boolean>Compares two sets of BES filters for equivalence.Win
<bes filter set> contains <bes filter set><boolean>Returns TRUE if the first filter set contains the second.Win
<bes filter set> contains <bes filter><boolean>Returns TRUE if the specified filter set contains the given filter.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
element of <bes filter set><bes filter>

Plural: elements
Returns the unique elements of the specified <bes filter set>, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win
intersection of <bes filter set><bes filter set>

Plural: intersections
Returns the intersection of multiple BES filter sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win
size of <bes filter set><integer>

Plural: sizes
Returns the number of unique BES Filters in the specified set.Win
union of <bes filter set><bes filter set>

Plural: unions
Returns the union of multiple BES filter sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win

bes filter with multiplicity

The <bes filter with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of BES filters, allowing you to extract unique filters and count them.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
unique value of <bes filter>Returns the unique values of a given list of <bes filter> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
multiplicity of <bes filter with multiplicity><integer>

Plural: multiplicities
Sorts the list and returns the multiplicity, or count, of each unique element in the specified list of multiple <bes filter> types.Win

bes unmanagedasset

The <bes unmanagedasset> Inspectors provide access to externally sourced data, such as that resulting from Nmap scans on client computers. The results, such as OS, Device Type, Network Card Vendor, and Open Ports, are uploaded to the BES Server for storage and analysis. These Inspectors provide a way to monitor and report on mobile or hand-held devices that are not traditional BES Clients, but instead use "microAgents" to report their status. For more information on currently supported devices, consult the BigFix support pages.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bes unmanagedassetReturns a list of all the Unmanaged Assets currently defined in BES.Win
current unmanagedassetReturns the unmanaged asset that is currently selected in the BES Console from the right-click context menu under the Unmanaged Assets tab. This Inspector is designed to assist you in the creation of extended Context Menu applications.Win
asset of <bes unmanagedasset field>Returns an asset (containing a name / value pair) from the specified BES unmanaged asset field.Win
element of <bes unmanagedasset set>Returns the elements of the specified set of BES Unmanaged Assets.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes unmanagedasset> = <bes unmanagedasset><boolean>Returns TRUE if the two provided unmanaged assets are equal.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
client installed flag of <bes unmanagedasset><boolean>

Plural: client installed flags
Returns TRUE if the specified unmanaged asset is running the BES Client.Win
field of <bes unmanagedasset><bes unmanagedasset field>

Plural: fields
Returns a list of the fields from the specified BES Unmanaged Asset.Win
id of <bes unmanagedasset><integer>

Plural: ids
Returns the unique numeric ID of the given unmanaged asset.Win
link <html> of <bes unmanagedasset><html>

Plural: links
Returns an HTML string containing an <A> tag including the supplied HTML description that, when clicked, will open the specified unmanaged asset (in the BES Console) or its description page (in Web Reports).Win
link <string> of <bes unmanagedasset><html>

Plural: links
Returns an HTML string containing an <A> tag including the supplied descriptive string that, when clicked, will open the specified unmanaged asset (in the BES Console) or its description page (in Web Reports).Win
link href of <bes unmanagedasset><string>

Plural: link hrefs
The link href property does not return an <A> tag but rather returns the value of the href attribute of the <A> tag that would be constructed by the other link inspectors. This allows you to create more flexible linking formats. (See link of <bes unmanaged asset>). Note that link href returns a normal string, not an HTML string.Win
link of <bes unmanagedasset><html>

Plural: links
Returns an HTML string containing an <A> tag that when clicked will open the specified BES unmanaged asset document (in the BES Console) or its description page (in Web Reports).Win
set of <bes unmanagedasset><bes unmanagedasset set>

Plural: sets
Returns a set generated from the iterated list of unmanaged assets. This can be subjected to arithmetic set operations such as union and intersection.Win:8.0
source of <bes unmanagedasset><string>

Plural: sources
Returns the source of the specified Unmanaged Asset as a string value.Win
unique value of <bes unmanagedasset><bes unmanagedasset with multiplicity>

Plural: unique values
Returns the unique values and counts of the specified BES Unmanaged Assets.Win:8.0

bes unmanagedasset field

The <bes unmanagedasset field> Inspectors provide authors with access to the individual fields of various unmanaged assets. Each field consists of a name / value pair, analogous to BES properties. There are three types of fields:IdentifyingField: Each asset must have one IdentifyingField, such as a MAC Address, which is used to identify and correlate different reports from the same asset.FilterableField: These are displayed in the Console in both the Unmanaged Asset list and the unmanaged asset document, allowing sorting and filtering.NonFilterable: These are only displayed in the Unmanaged Assets document, and typically return a large amount of data, such as a list of vulnerabilities.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
field of <bes unmanagedasset>Returns a list of the fields from the specified BES Unmanaged Asset.

(name of it & " - " & value of it) of fields of bes unmanagedasset whose (id of it is 55) - Outputs a list of name/value pairs for each field in the specified BES Unmanaged Asset, for instance:IP Address - - Donald.


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
asset of <bes unmanagedasset field><bes unmanagedasset>

Plural: assets
Returns an asset (containing a name / value pair) from the specified BES unmanaged asset field.Win
editable flag of <bes unmanagedasset field><boolean>

Plural: editable flags
Returns TRUE if the specified BES Unmanaged Asset is editable.Win
filterable flag of <bes unmanagedasset field><boolean>

Plural: filterable flags
Returns TRUE if the specified asset field is filterable. Fields that are filterable will show up in the Unmanaged Assets list, allowing you to sort and filter them.Win
name of <bes unmanagedasset field><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name of the specified BES unmanaged asset field.Win
value of <bes unmanagedasset field><string>

Plural: values
Returns the value (as a <string>) of the specified BES Unmanaged Asset field.Win

bes unmanagedasset set

The <bes unmanagedasset set> Inspectors iterate over the BES unmanaged assets and return a set of such assets.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bes unmanagedasset setReturns a set of all BES Unmanaged Assets.Win:8.0
set of <bes unmanagedasset>Returns a set generated from the iterated list of unmanaged assets. This can be subjected to arithmetic set operations such as union and intersection.Win:8.0
intersection of <bes unmanagedasset set>Returns the intersection set derived from the specified set of BES Unmanaged Assets.Win:8.0
union of <bes unmanagedasset set>Returns the union (as a set) derived from the specified set of BES Unmanaged Assets.Win:8.0
<bes unmanagedasset set> {op} <bes unmanagedasset set>Operates on two sets of BES unmanaged assets, where {op} is one of: -, *, + or 'contains'. Minus subtracts the elements of one set from the other, multiply performs an intersection, plus performs a union and 'contains' find subsets.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes unmanagedasset set> {op} <bes unmanagedasset set><bes unmanagedasset set>Operates on two sets of BES unmanaged assets, where {op} is one of: -, *, + or 'contains'. Minus subtracts the elements of one set from the other, multiply performs an intersection, plus performs a union and 'contains' find subsets.Win:8.0
<bes unmanagedasset set> = <bes unmanagedasset set><boolean>Returns TRUE if the two provided sets of unmanaged assets are equal.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
element of <bes unmanagedasset set><bes unmanagedasset>

Plural: elements
Returns the elements of the specified set of BES Unmanaged Assets.Win:8.0
intersection of <bes unmanagedasset set><bes unmanagedasset set>

Plural: intersections
Returns the intersection set derived from the specified set of BES Unmanaged Assets.Win:8.0
size of <bes unmanagedasset set><integer>

Plural: sizes
Returns the number of unique unmanaged assets in the specified set.Win:8.0
union of <bes unmanagedasset set><bes unmanagedasset set>

Plural: unions
Returns the union (as a set) derived from the specified set of BES Unmanaged Assets.Win:8.0

bes unmanagedasset with multiplicity

The <bes unmanagedasset with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of BES unmanaged assets, allowing you to extract unique properties and count them.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
unique value of <bes unmanagedasset>Returns the unique values and counts of the specified BES Unmanaged Assets.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
multiplicity of <bes unmanagedasset with multiplicity><integer>

Plural: multiplicities
Sorts the list and returns the multiplicity, or count, of each unique element in the specified list of multiple <bes unmanagedasset> types.Win:8.0

bes site

The site Inspectors return the names and IDs of the specified site objects. As of BES 7.0, the BES custom site type has been merged with BES site, which now represents all supported types, including external sites, master action sites, operator sites, and custom sites. All properties of BES custom site are now accessible via BES site. As a compatibility measure, BES sites still returns only external and master action sites.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
all bes siteThis iterative Inspector returns a list of all external, master, operator, and custom sites.Win
bes custom siteReturns a list of all custom sites. Deprecated as of version 7.0; instead use "all bes sites whose (custom site flag of it)".Win
bes siteReturns a list of all the BES sites.Win
current bes siteReturns the site that is the source of the current relevance evaluation. Items in a site that can evaluate relevance include Fixlet messages, Tasks, Baselines, Analyses, Wizards and Dashboards.Win:8.0
element of <bes site set>Returns the elements of the specified set of BES sites.Win:8.0
subscribed site of <bes computer>Returns a list of the BES sites subscribed to by the specified BES computer.Win:8.0
site of <bes computer group>Returns the site corresponding to the specified BES Computer Group.Win
custom site of <bes fixlet>If the specified Fixlet message resides in a custom site, this Inspector returns the corresponding site object.Win
site of <bes fixlet>Returns the <bes site> object which contains the specified fixlet.Win
action site of <bes user>If the user is a master operator, this Inspector returns the Master Action site. Otherwise, it returns the operator site of the user. For example, "number of subscribed computers of action site of current console user".

number of subscribed computers of action site of current console user - Returns the number of computers currently subscribed to the specified user's Action site.
operator site of <bes user>This Inspector returns the BES site object for the given (non-master) user. If the user is a Master Operator, this Inspector will throw NoSuchObject.Win:8.0
site of <bes wizard>Returns the site hosting the specified BES Wizard.Win
custom site of <bes domain>Returns all the custom sites that have been created in the specified BES domain.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes site> = <bes site><boolean>Returns TRUE if the two provided BES sites are equal.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
action of <bes site><bes action>

Plural: actions
action set of <bes site><bes action set>

Plural: action sets
creation date of <bes site><time>

Plural: creation dates
Depending on the type of the BES site, this inspector returns the creation date:External and Master sites: Does not exist (added in version 7.0). Operator sites: The <moment> when the operator was created (added in version 7.0). Custom sites: The <moment> when the site was created.Win
creator of <bes site><bes user>

Plural: creators
Returns the <bes user> who created the specified custom site. Does not exist for External, Master or Operator sites.Win
custom site flag of <bes site><boolean>

Plural: custom site flags
Returns TRUE if and only if the specified site is a custom site.Win
description of <bes site><string>

Plural: descriptions
For a custom site, this is the description of the site that was specified by the creator. For External, Master or Operator sites, the description does not exist.Win
display name of <bes site><string>

Plural: display names
Beginning with version 7.1, a custom site can specify a display name that's different from the site name in the masthead. This inspector returns the display name; for the masthead name, use name of <bes site>.Win
domain of <bes site><bes domain>

Plural: domains
A domain is attached to a BES site when one is created. This Inspector returns the domain associated with the specified site.Win:8.0
domain set of <bes site><bes domain set>

Plural: domain sets
Returns domains (as a set) related to the specified BES site.Win:8.0
explicit owner of <bes site><bes user>

Plural: explicit owners
Returns a list of BES users that have been granted ownership of the specified site. Notice that the creator of this site is not included in the owner list.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
explicit owner set of <bes site><bes user set>

Plural: explicit owner sets
Returns the set of BES users who are owners (an iterated list) of the specified BES site.Win
explicit reader of <bes site><bes user>

Plural: explicit readers
Returns a list of BES users that have been granted reading privileges on the specified site. Notice that the creator, owners (unless explicitly added) and writers of this site are not included in this reader list.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
explicit reader set of <bes site><bes user set>

Plural: explicit reader sets
Returns the set of BES users who have read rights (the iterated list) on the specified BES custom site.Win
explicit writer of <bes site><bes user>

Plural: explicit writers
Returns a list of BES users that have been granted writing privileges on the specified site. Notice that the creator and owners (unless explicitly added) of this site are not included in this reader list.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
explicit writer set of <bes site><bes user set>

Plural: explicit writer sets
Returns the set of BES users who have write permissions (as an iterated list) on the specified BES site.Win
external site flag of <bes site><boolean>

Plural: external site flags
Returns TRUE if and only if the specified site is an external site.Win
fixlet <integer> of <bes site><bes fixlet>

Plural: fixlets
Returns the Fixlet with the specified ID from the given BES site.Win
fixlet of <bes site><bes fixlet>

Plural: fixlets
Returns a list all of the Fixlet objects in the given BES site.Win
fixlet set of <bes site><bes fixlet set>

Plural: fixlet sets
Returns the set of Fixlets that are associated with the specified BES Site.Win
globally readable flag of <bes site><boolean>

Plural: globally readable flags
The value of the globally readable flag depends on the type of site:External sites: True if and only if the site has been marked as readable by all users.Master sites: True.Operator sites: False. Custom sites: True if and only if the site has been marked as readable by all users.Win
id of <bes site><integer>

Plural: ids
Returns the numeric ID unique to the specified BES site.Win
master site flag of <bes site><boolean>

Plural: master site flags
Returns TRUE if and only if the specified site is a master site.Win
name of <bes site><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name of the specified BES site (undecorated).Win
operator of <bes site><bes user>

Plural: operators
operator site flag of <bes site><boolean>

Plural: operator site flags
Returns TRUE if and only if the specified site is an operator site.Win
owner flag <bes user> of <bes site><boolean>

Plural: owner flags
This Inspector is deprecated as of Version 7.0. Instead use "exists owner of <bes site> whose (it = <bes user>)".Win
owner of <bes site><bes user>

Plural: owners
Returns a list of BES users that have been granted ownership of the specified site. Notice that the creator of this site is not included in the owner list.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
owner set of <bes site><bes user set>

Plural: owner sets
Returns the set of BES users who are owners (an iterated list) of the specified BES site.Win
reader of <bes site><bes user>

Plural: readers
Returns a list of BES users that have been granted reading privileges on the specified site. Notice that the creator, owners (unless explicitly added) and writers of this site are not included in this reader list.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
reader set of <bes site><bes user set>

Plural: reader sets
Returns the set of BES users who have read rights (the iterated list) on the specified BES custom site.Win
set of <bes site><bes site set>

Plural: sets
Returns a set generated from the iterated list of BES Sites. This can be subjected to arithmetic set operations such as union and intersection.Win:8.0
site file of <bes site><bes site file>

Plural: site files
site file set of <bes site><bes site file set>

Plural: site files sets
site level relevance of <bes site><string>

Plural: site level relevances
subscribed <bes computer> of <bes site><boolean>

Plural: subscribeds
Returns TRUE if the given computer is subscribed to the given BES site.Win:8.0
subscribed computer of <bes site><bes computer>

Plural: subscribed computers
Returns the list of computers that are subscribed to the specified BES site.Win
subscribed computer set of <bes site><bes computer set>

Plural: subscribed computer sets
Returns the list of computers that are subscribed to the specified BES site. The list is formatted as a mathematical set for easier manipulation.Win
subscription mode of <bes site><string>

Plural: subscription modes
Returns the subscription mode for custom sites and external sites. The subscription mode is one of the following:All: all computers are subscribedNone: no computers are subscribedAdHoc: computers are subscribed via ad-hoc custom site subscription actionsCustom: computers are subscribed via a list of conditions.Win:8.0
tag of <bes site><string>

Plural: tags
The site tag is used as an identifier for sites and is used to build the site's URL.Win:8.0
unique value of <bes site><bes site with multiplicity>

Plural: unique values
Sorts the list and returns the multiplicity, or count, of each unique element in the specified list of multiple <bes site> types.Win:8.0
url of <bes site><string>

Plural: urls
Returns the gather URL for a given BES site. For example, the gather URL for BES Support is
version of <bes site><integer>

Plural: versions
Returns the version of an external site. Does not apply to custom sites.Win:8.0
wizard of <bes site><bes wizard>

Plural: wizards
Returns the Wizards associated with the specified BES site.Win:8.0
wizard set of <bes site><bes wizard set>

Plural: wizard sets
Returns the Wizards (as a set) associated with the specified BES site.Win:8.0
writer of <bes site><bes user>

Plural: writers
Returns a list of BES users that have been granted writing privileges on the specified site. Notice that the creator and owners (unless explicitly added) of this site are not included in this reader list.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
writer set of <bes site><bes user set>

Plural: writer sets
Returns the set of BES users who have write permissions (as an iterated list) on the specified BES site.Win

bes wizard

The <bes wizard> objects are Console-only Inspectors that return a list of the available BES Wizards.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bes wizardReturns a list of all the available BES Wizards.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
current wizardIf this Inspector is being evaluated in the context of a Wizard, then it returns the corresponding <bes wizard> object.Win
wizard of <bes site>Returns the Wizards associated with the specified BES site.Win:8.0
wizard of <bes site>Returns the Wizards associated with the specified BES site.Win:8.0
wizard of <bes wizard variable>Returns the <bes wizard> object to which the specified variable belongs. You can use "dashboard id of wizard of <bes wizard variable>" to get the correct dashboard id to use with the Store/DeleteVariable script functions (private variables are CONSOLE only).Win
element of <bes wizard set>Returns the BES Wizards that constitute the elements of the specified set.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes wizard> = <bes wizard><boolean>Returns TRUE if the two specified BES Wizards are the same.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
charset of <bes wizard><string>

Plural: charsets
Returns the charset that should be used when displaying the specified Wizard.Win
dashboard id of <bes wizard><string>

Plural: dashboard ids
Returns an ID that can be used by Dashboards/Wizards to unambiguously identify stored variables.Win
database id of <bes wizard><integer>

Plural: database ids
In the Web Reports environment, this Inspector returns the numeric ID of the database in which this BES Wizard resides.Win
database name of <bes wizard><string>

Plural: database names
Returns the name (as a string) of the database containing the specified BES Wizard.Win
default page name of <bes wizard><string>

Plural: default page names
Returns the name of the first page to display when launching the specified Wizard.Win
dialog flag of <bes wizard><boolean>

Plural: dialog flags
Returns TRUE if the specified Wizard launches in a dialog box.Win
display name of <bes wizard><string>

Plural: display names
Returns the name of the specified BES Wizard as translated into the current language.Win:8.0
document flag of <bes wizard><boolean>

Plural: document flags
Returns TRUE if the specified Wizard launches in an MDI document window.Win
link <html> of <bes wizard><html>

Plural: links
Returns an HTML string containing an <A> tag including the supplied HTML description that, when clicked, will open the specified Wizard.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
link <string> of <bes wizard><html>

Plural: links
Returns an HTML string containing an <A> tag including the supplied descriptive string that, when clicked, will open the specified Wizard.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
link href of <bes wizard><string>

Plural: link hrefs
The link href property does not return an <A> tag but rather returns the value of the href attribute of the <A> tag that would be constructed by the other link inspectors. This allows you to create more flexible linking formats. (See link of <bes wizard>). Notice that link href returns a normal string, not an HTML string.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
link of <bes wizard><html>

Plural: links
Returns an HTML string containing an <A> tag that when clicked will open the specified Wizard.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
menu path of <bes wizard><string>

Plural: menu paths
Returns the path of the menu containing the menu item that launches the specified Wizard.Win
name of <bes wizard><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name of the specified BES Wizard.Note: This is a Console-only Inspector.Win
navbar name of <bes wizard><string>

Plural: navbar names
Returns the name of the specified BES Wizard as listed in the Navigation Bar.Win
pre60 flag of <bes wizard><boolean>

Plural: pre60 flags
Returns TRUE if this wizard is an "old" (prior to version 6.0) style of Wizard.Win
private variable <string> of <bes wizard><string>

Plural: private variables
Returns a string containing the value of the named private variable for the given BES Wizard.Win
private variable of <bes wizard><bes wizard variable>

Plural: private variables
Iterates over all the variables for a Wizard, returning a <bes wizard variable> type for each private variable. Private variables are Console-only.Win
requires authoring flag of <bes wizard><boolean>

Plural: requires authoring flags
Returns TRUE if access to the specified Wizard requires that the user have the 'Authoring' bit set in their credentials.Win
set of <bes wizard><bes wizard set>

Plural: sets
Returns a set generated from the iterated list of BigFix Wizards. This can be subjected to arithmetic set operations such as union and intersection.Win:8.0
shared variable <string> of <bes wizard><string>

Plural: shared variables
Returns a string containing the value of the named public or shared variable for the given BES Wizard.Win
shared variable of <bes wizard><bes wizard variable>

Plural: shared variables
Iterates over all the variables for a Wizard, returning a <bes wizard variable> type for each shared variable.Win
site of <bes wizard><bes site>

Plural: sites
Returns the site hosting the specified BES Wizard.Win
unique value of <bes wizard><bes wizard with multiplicity>

Plural: unique values
Returns the unique values and counts of the specified BES Wizards.Win:8.0
url of <bes wizard><string>

Plural: urls
Returns the URL of the specified Wizard. For ordinary Wizards, this is of the form "siteid:<id>,<filename>", but for Wizards that were added using the "Debug->Load Wizard..." dialog this is of the form "file:///<fullpath>".Win
variable of <bes wizard><bes wizard variable>

Plural: variables
Iterates over all the variables for a Wizard, returning a <bes wizard variable> type for each variable.Win

bes wizard variable

The <bes wizard variable> objects are Console-only Inspectors that return a list of the available BES Wizard variables.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
private variable of <bes wizard>Iterates over all the variables for a Wizard, returning a <bes wizard variable> type for each private variable. Private variables are Console-only.Win
shared variable of <bes wizard>Iterates over all the variables for a Wizard, returning a <bes wizard variable> type for each shared variable.Win
variable of <bes wizard>Iterates over all the variables for a Wizard, returning a <bes wizard variable> type for each variable.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
name of <bes wizard variable><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name of the specified Wizard variable.Win
private flag of <bes wizard variable><boolean>

Plural: private flags
Returns the private flag of the given <bes wizard variable> (private vars are CONSOLE only).Win
value of <bes wizard variable><string>

Plural: values
Returns the value of the given BES Wizard variable.Win
wizard of <bes wizard variable><bes wizard>

Plural: wizards
Returns the <bes wizard> object to which the specified variable belongs. You can use "dashboard id of wizard of <bes wizard variable>" to get the correct dashboard id to use with the Store/DeleteVariable script functions (private variables are CONSOLE only).Win

bes wizard set

The <bes wizard set> Inspectors iterate over the BES Wizards and return a set of such wizards.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bes wizard setReturns a set of all BES Wizards.Win:8.0
wizard set of <bes site>Returns the Wizards (as a set) associated with the specified BES site.Win:8.0
wizard set of <bes site>Returns the Wizards (as a set) associated with the specified BES site.Win:8.0
set of <bes wizard>Returns a set generated from the iterated list of BigFix Wizards. This can be subjected to arithmetic set operations such as union and intersection.Win:8.0
intersection of <bes wizard set>Returns the intersection of multiple BES Wizard sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win:8.0
union of <bes wizard set>Returns the union (as a set) derived from the specified set of BES Wizards.Win:8.0
<bes wizard set> {op} <bes wizard set>Operates on two sets of BES sites, where {op} is one of: -, *, + or 'contains'. Minus subtracts the elements of one set from the other, multiply performs an intersection, plus performs a union and 'contains' find subsets.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes wizard set> {op} <bes wizard set><bes wizard set>Operates on two sets of BES sites, where {op} is one of: -, *, + or 'contains'. Minus subtracts the elements of one set from the other, multiply performs an intersection, plus performs a union and 'contains' find subsets.Win:8.0
<bes wizard set> = <bes wizard set><boolean>Returns TRUE if the two specified BES Wizard sets are the same.Win:8.0
<bes wizard set> contains <bes wizard set><boolean>Returns TRUE if the first set of BES Wizards contains all of the elements of the second set.Win:8.0
<bes wizard set> contains <bes wizard><boolean>Returns TRUE if the specified set of BES Wizards contains all of the following wizard.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
element of <bes wizard set><bes wizard>

Plural: elements
Returns the BES Wizards that constitute the elements of the specified set.Win:8.0
intersection of <bes wizard set><bes wizard set>

Plural: intersections
Returns the intersection of multiple BES Wizard sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win:8.0
size of <bes wizard set><integer>

Plural: sizes
Returns the number of unique BES Wizards in the specified set.Win:8.0
union of <bes wizard set><bes wizard set>

Plural: unions
Returns the union (as a set) derived from the specified set of BES Wizards.Win:8.0

bes wizard with multiplicity

The <bes wizard with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of BES Wizards, allowing you to extract unique properties and count them.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
unique value of <bes wizard>Returns the unique values and counts of the specified BES Wizards.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
multiplicity of <bes wizard with multiplicity><integer>

Plural: multiplicities
Sorts the list and returns the multiplicity, or count, of each unique element in the specified list of multiple <bes wizard> types.Win:8.0

bes wakeonlan status

The <bes wakeonlan status> objects are Windows Inspectors that return the status of the BES WakeOnLan feature.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bes wakeonlan statusReturns the current BES WakeOnLan status.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
database id of <bes wakeonlan status><integer>

Plural: database ids
Returns the integer ID corresponding to the Database with WoL.Win
database name of <bes wakeonlan status><string>

Plural: database names
Returns the name(s) corresponding to the Database with WoL.Win
enabled of <bes wakeonlan status><boolean>

Plural: enableds
Returns TRUE if the BES WakeOnLan status is currently enabled.Win

bes deployment option

These options allow you to customize the behavior of your BES deployment. They are set by the system administrator in the BES Admin Tool, under the Advanced Options tab.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bes deployment optionReturns the current deployment options as listed in the BES Admin Tool, under the Advanced Options tab. You can add your own name/value pairs to this list.

(name of it, value of it) of bes deployment options - Returns a list of the names and values of the current BES deployment options.
bes deployment option <string>Returns the value associated with the deployment option named by the <string>.Win


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
database id of <bes deployment option><integer>

Plural: database ids
In the Web Reports environment, this Inspector returns the numeric ID of the database in which this BES deployment option resides.Win
database name of <bes deployment option><string>

Plural: database names
In the Web Reports environment, this Inspector returns the name of the database containing the specified BES deployment option.Win
name of <bes deployment option><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name of the specified BES deployment option.Win
value of <bes deployment option><string>

Plural: values
Returns the <string> value reported by this computer for the specified BES deployment option(s).Win

bes domain

BES Domains are collections of sites that constitute a product, such as Patch Management. In the BES Console, domains are represented as the high-level buttons on the left side of the screen. Listing the domains for the Console yields all the currently loaded domains. In Web Reports, only those domains with at least one visible report are listed.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bes domainReturns all the BES Domain objects.Win:8.0
bes domain <string>Returns the first BES Domain whose title matches the specified name.Win:8.0
current domainReturns the domain that is the source of the current relevance evaluation. Items in the domain that can evaluate relevance include Fixlet messages, Tasks, Baselines, Analyses, Wizards and Dashboards and Domains.Win:8.0
domain of <bes site>A domain is attached to a BES site when one is created. This Inspector returns the domain associated with the specified site.Win:8.0
domain of <bes action>A domain is attached to an Action when it is created. This Inspector returns the domain associated with the specified BES Action.Win:8.0
domain of <bes computer group>A domain is attached to a BES computer group when one is created. This Inspector returns the domain associated with the specified group.Win:8.0
domain of <bes fixlet>A domain is attached to a Fixlet message when it is created. This Inspector returns the domain associated with the specified Fixlet.Win:8.0
domain of <bes filter>Returns the BES domain where the specified BES filter(s) were created.Win:8.0
domain of <bes site>A domain is attached to a BES site when one is created. This Inspector returns the domain associated with the specified site.Win:8.0
element of <bes domain set>Returns the unique elements of the specified <bes domain set>, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes domain> = <bes domain><boolean>Returns TRUE if the two BES domains are equivalent.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
action of <bes domain><bes action>

Plural: actions
Returns all the Actions that have been created in the specified BES Domain.Win:8.0
action set of <bes domain><bes action set>

Plural: action sets
Returns all the Actions (as a set) that have been created in the specified BES Domain.Win:8.0
computer group of <bes domain><bes computer group>

Plural: computer groups
Returns the computer groups associated with the specified BES Domain.Win:8.0
computer group set of <bes domain><bes computer group set>

Plural: computer group sets
Returns the computer groups associated with the specified BES Domain as a set.Win:8.0
custom fixlet of <bes domain><bes fixlet>

Plural: custom fixlets
Returns all custom fixlets that have been created in the specified BES domain.Win:8.0
custom fixlet set of <bes domain><bes fixlet set>

Plural: custom fixlet sets
Returns all custom fixlets (as a set) that have been created in the specified BES domain.Win:8.0
custom site of <bes domain><bes site>

Plural: custom sites
Returns all the custom sites that have been created in the specified BES domain.Win:8.0
custom site set of <bes domain><bes site set>

Plural: custom site sets
Returns all the custom sites (as a set) that have been created in the specified BES domain.Win:8.0
display name of <bes domain><string>

Plural: display names
Returns the name of the specified BES Domain, as translated into the target language. If you want to get the Japanese name of the specified domain, use this Inspector instead of the 'name' Inspector.Win:8.0
filter of <bes domain><bes filter>

Plural: filters
Returns all the custom filters that have been created in the specified BES domain.Win:8.0
filter set of <bes domain><bes filter set>

Plural: filter sets
Returns all the custom filters (as a set) that have been created in the specified BES domain.Win:8.0
id of <bes domain><string>

Plural: ids
Returns a string containing the four letter ID of the specified BES domain.Win:8.0
link <html> of <bes domain><html>

Plural: links
Returns an HTML snippet that will navigate to the specified BES Domain, using the html as the link body.Win:8.0
link <string> of <bes domain><html>

Plural: links
Returns an HTML snippet that will navigate to the specified BES Domain, using the string as the link text.Win:8.0
link href of <bes domain><string>

Plural: link hrefs
Returns a hyperlink target that will navigate to the specified BES Domain.Win:8.0
link of <bes domain><html>

Plural: links
Returns a hyperlink that will navigate to the specified BES Domain when clicked.Win:8.0
name of <bes domain><string>

Plural: names
The untranslated (typically English) title of the specified BES Domain.Win:8.0
set of <bes domain><bes domain set>

Plural: sets
Returns a set composed of the specified list of BES domains.Win:8.0
unique value of <bes domain><bes domain with multiplicity>

Plural: unique values
Returns the unique values of a given list of <bes domain> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win:8.0

bes domain set

The <bes domain set> Inspectors return the current collection of BES Domains as a set, which can be manipulated by intersection, union, and more.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bes domain setReturns all the BES Domain objects as a set.Win:8.0
domain set of <bes site>Returns domains (as a set) related to the specified BES site.Win:8.0
domain set of <bes site>Returns domains (as a set) related to the specified BES site.Win:8.0
set of <bes domain>Returns a set composed of the specified list of BES domains.Win:8.0
intersection of <bes domain set>Returns the intersection of multiple BES domain sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win:8.0
union of <bes domain set>Produces a new set of BES domains containing the union of the specified sets.Win:8.0
<bes domain set> {op} <bes domain set>Operates on two sets of BES domains, where {op} is one of: -, *, + or 'contains'. Minus subtracts the elements of one set from the other, multiply performs an intersection, plus performs a union and 'contains' find subsets.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bes domain set> {op} <bes domain set><bes domain set>Operates on two sets of BES domains, where {op} is one of: -, *, + or 'contains'. Minus subtracts the elements of one set from the other, multiply performs an intersection, plus performs a union and 'contains' find subsets.Win:8.0
<bes domain set> = <bes domain set><boolean>Returns TRUE is the two specified domain sets are the same.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
element of <bes domain set><bes domain>

Plural: elements
Returns the unique elements of the specified <bes domain set>, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win:8.0
intersection of <bes domain set><bes domain set>

Plural: intersections
Returns the intersection of multiple BES domain sets. The arguments to this Inspector are typically plural values or iterations, but you can also compose such a set by separating singlet values with semicolons.Win:8.0
size of <bes domain set><integer>

Plural: sizes
Returns the number of unique elements in the specified set of BES domains.Win:8.0
union of <bes domain set><bes domain set>

Plural: unions
Produces a new set of BES domains containing the union of the specified sets.Win:8.0

bes domain with multiplicity

The <bes domain with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with sets of BES Domains, allowing you to extract unique domains and count them.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
unique value of <bes domain>Returns the unique values of a given list of <bes domain> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Win:8.0


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
multiplicity of <bes domain with multiplicity><integer>

Plural: multiplicities
Sorts the list and returns the multiplicity, or count, of each unique element in the specified list of multiple <bes domain> types.Win:8.0